AM Meeting Minutes for 4/12/2018
Lions Present: Lion’s Al, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Herb, John, Kent, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– April 24th Board Meeting
– May 5th Volunteer Event Cupertino City Hall
– May 16th – 20th 4C6 Convention San Ramon
– May 5th, 12th or 19th Via west work Dates
– June 2nd & 5th Voter Registration Volunteers
– June 16th Lions Charity Golf Tournament
– June 29th LCI International Convention Las Vegas
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes
Tail Twister – Lion Eli, Mort and other Lions gave Happy Dollars for Mort and Eli’s daughter Jenni Erickson was on TV Channel 7 (ABC) accepting a $10,000 check awarded to her school for “Excellence in Education” presented by the PAC 12 football conference. The children were also taken to the San Jose Technical Museum for the day. Good work Jenni. Lion Steve gave a Happy Dollar praying that Lion Carl’s new outboard motor works perfectly. Lion Al rolled the dice for his Birthday and rolled a 10 for a payment of $8.00 by the way being the Great Man he is he donated $20. Thank you Lion Al, you made the Tail Twister very happy.
Golf Tournament – Lion Steve said he and Ellen have sent out 81 donation requests so far and has received $1,144 worth of donations back so far. Lion Eli said he believes we have two major sponsors. He also said he was having lunch with the Vallco representative and hopes to get their support. He also said he believes he has 3 foursomes coming from one of his contacts. We still need more golfers, sponsors, and Tee sign sponsors. Lion Steve said he has the battery ready for the electronic sponsor sign.
Via West – Lion Carl sent out an email with three dates on it for the club to vote on for the work party to enlarge the garden area that we installed about 10 years ago.
Club Officers – Lion Al said he would send out an email with the slate of new Officers and Board Members to the club for members to approve. If there is no opposition to the slate of officers and board members to a position it will be submitted to LCI. The club needs to send in the PU-101 list of club officers form to Lions Club International before May 15th. Lion Eli asked Lion Al if he was going to remain on the board. Lion Al said he might take it under consideration.
Cupertino Volunteer Day – Lion John Noone said we have a space reserved so we can set up our Cupertino-DeAnza Lions tent. The event will go from 11-3 on May 5, 2018. Lion John said he needs a couple of volunteers to help him manage the booth handing out literature and answering questions.
Good of the Order –
Lion Kent said most of our sponsors from the Ride4Diabetes are returning for the ride this year. He also said the YMCA is going to support us again by promoting the ride at their facilities. Lion Kent sent out a number of “save the date” emails to corporate teams that he connected with last year. Hitachi and SAP replied stating they are interested in participating in this year’s event. The Ride4 Diabetes website is almost completed.
Lion Al read off the names of the delegates that will attend the 4C-6 Convention on May19th. The Lion delegates are Lion’s Ray, Ron, John, and Kent.
Lion’s Joan, Eli, Mort, and Ray went to the Cupertino State of the City address on April 3rd that featured the Cupertino De Anza Lions and Cupertino Host Lions Clubs. If you would like to view the presentation the URL is –
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Steve who won.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn