AM Meeting Minutes for 3/29/2018
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Eli, Herb, John, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– PM Meeting Wednesday 4/4/2018 at Tony & Albas Pizzeria
– May 16th – 20th 4C6 Convention San Ramon
– Saturday June 16th Lions Charity Golf Tournament
– Ride4Diabetes Date to be determined
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Lion Herb went around and collected Happy Dollars mostly for Easter weekend coming up. Lion Don Lang rolled the dice for his Birthday and rolled a twelve for for a payment of $9.60.
Lion Melinda Blaza – 2nd Vice District Governor Candidate for 2018-2019
Lion Melinda thanked us for our warm hospitality this morning, and allowing me to share my vision for the future of Lionism in District 4-C6 with you. One part of her message was coming together, encouraging each other, helping each other to grow, develop and expand our skills: we can better serve our communities, and in so doing, create a thriving, vibrant and successful district that will attract new and younger members; which in turn, will feed the vibrancy of the district and fuel even more growth.
Charter Night – Lion Ray applauded Lion Jill and Lion Eli for the great job they did in MC’ing Charter Night. Lion Ray also wanted to thank Lion Eli and Lion Al for the presentation to Lion Jim Gould for his 32 years of service to the club and presenting him with a lifetime membership to the Cupertino DeAnza Lion Club. The club also wanted to thank Lion’s Ray, Steve, Al, Jill, and Dagi for all their hard work putting the night together. Lion Scott did an excellent job as Tail Twister and collected $59. Good job Lion Scott.
Golf Tournament – Lion Steve said he and Ellen also sent out 54 donation requests so far and has received $455 back so far. Lion Dagi said the PayPal option is not working yet but will be soon. Lion magi said she will put the Golf flyer on the District web site. Lion Eli said we need to put the golf tournament on Next Door in each community to help bring in golfers. Lion John Noone said he would do a write up to put on Next Door. The major effort at this time is to get Tee sponsors and golfers. All information concerning Tee sponsors should be sent to Lion Ron. It was also brought up that we need to look at Sponsor recognition and make sure they get the proper recognition.
Good of the Order –
The group talked about our charitable donations and where our money is going and is our money going to the right place.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Charlie who won .
Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn