AM Meeting Minutes for 10/3/2018

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Dagi, Joan, Eli, Herb, Kent, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– Omar’s Dream Run October 14, 2018 Hellyer Park 8 AM
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th.
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
– Golf Tournament June 22, 2019

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb received Happy Dollars from Lion Dagi for being gone so long . Lion Steve gave a happy dollar for this grandsons birthday.
Lion Herb hadLion Ron roll the dice for his birthday, and he rolled a seven so all Lions in attendance had to donate a dollar to the club fund. Lion Herb then rolled the dice for his birthday and hr rolled an nine and donated $8 to the club fund.

PM Meeting Review – Lion Al said that donations from Lion John Noones friends to the club has reached about $3,000.

Lion Eli’s grandson little Eli gave the club $62 that he made from his garage sale of his toys, what an example for children to set.

It was stated for the Lion’s that did not attend the Tail Twister Party that Lion Al and Lion Eli received Lions Progressive awards for their years of service to the club.

Lion Al talked about the Santa Clara Voters Registrar and how they need volunteers for the upcoming election. This is a great way to raise money for the club. If you would like to volunteer contact Lion Al.

Lion Andrea asked about the Leo Haven notice sent out by the district. It is a ground breaking ceremony for a new park being built by the Lions in Santa Cruz.

Lion Prez Jeff talked about the upcoming Food Drive with Lion Claire and Lion Jen. At this time everything is going well. A google Doc will be sent out for volunteers to pick the time they want to take.

Omars Dream Run – Lion Ray said he had talked with the gentleman about what they need for the event. Lion Al said he would confirm what they need when he attends the event meeting. Lion Eli said we might make the storage run on Saturday since they want the tables and chairs there at 7:30 AM.

Good of the Order – Lion Dagi talked about the upcoming ‘Student Speaker Contest and said the topic will be “Freedom of the Press”. The Student Speaker contest has to be completed by February 22, 2019. Lion Joan said she would be willing to help out with the contest. Thank you Lion Joan.

Lion Al also said we have received over $2,000 in donations from friends of Lion John Noone for the club.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Dagi who picked her own number. Way to go Lion Dagi.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn