AM Meeting Minutes for 07/09/2015

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Ann, Mort, Eli, Kent, John, Ron, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember

–        July 16th, Budget Meeting, 7 9 pm, Knox home.

–        July 20th,  Bingo, Lion Jim Gould and Lion Mike Martin.

–        July 28th, Board Meeting.

–        August 8th, Officer Induction & Tail Twister Party, Noone home

–      September 12th Silicon Valley Fall Festival/AJ Robinson MSU

Tail Twister – Lion Eli cheerfully filled in during Lion Herb’s absence. Many Happy Dollars were given for the return of Lion Dagi, the SFO Giants and for USA’s Women’s World Cup Champs.

Bingo Roster

Lion Ray has prepared the new Bingo roster for 2015 – 2016 fiscal year. He has asked that everyone look it over and make sure there are no mistakes. Thanks to our efforts $100,000 was raised for the Blind Center last year.

Budget Meeting – The annual budget meeting will be 7 – 9 pm on next Thursday, July 16th at Lion Al’s home. We will be going over the Crab Feed and Golf Tournament budgets. Lion Al says our club members should be commended. Club donations average out to well over $1,000 per member, which is well above the national average.

Board Meeting – The monthly board meeting will be on 7:30 pm, July 28th at Lion Al’s home.

Tail Twister/Induction Party – Lion John and Leslie Noone have volunteered to hold the party at their home. Mark your calendars: 5 pm, August 8th at the Noone home. This is a potluck event. Please bring sides and drink. Club will likely serve tri tip.

Good of the Order

Special Needs: Lion Steve says the club has received word from a doctor in Cupertino of a person with special needs for glasses. The individual is being helped by Medicaid but could use our assistance.

Scavenger Hunt: The Mountain View Odd Fellows Lodge will be holding a scavenger hunt on July 12th at 819 Villa Street, Mountain View. Registration starts at 11 am and hunt begins at noon. Teams of four will compete to find items. Winning team will receive $1,000 for their favorite charity. All other teams will receive $25 for their favorite charity. There is no cost to enter. To enter, email See Lion Don for more information.

Flag Day: Lion Mort says the flag team will go into three schools this next year, probably in May. She will notify the flag team members by email. Let Lion Mort know if you would like to join the team.

AJ Robinson: Lion Ray says our club is sending the AJ Robinson people a check for $195 for use of the van for screening at the Silicon Valley Fall Festival at the Cupertino Memorial Park on Saturday, September 12th. Lion Ann says her daughter in-law is an RN and is willing to volunteer to work with us at the event.

The Fremont Union High School District has sent a thank you letter for our club donation of $200 to the Monta Vista High School Chess Club.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to our winner, Lion Ron.

Lion Walt
