AM Meeting Minutes 8/24/2017
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Walt, Eli, Herb, John, Kent, and Charlie.
Guests – None
Dates –
LCIF/ADA Ride4Diabetes on August 26, 2017 De Anza College
Two Days to Go
Tail Twister – Tail Twister Herb went around collecting Happy Dollars. Lion Ron came in two minutes late but the tail twister did not fine him.
Ride4Diabetes – Lion Kent said some of the feedback we received was that we need to do better is provide better info to both riders and volunteers. The main info riders were asking about is how much has been pledged to them. Lion Al said Eventbrite does not provide that information and it is difficult to gather that information but he is doing the best he can to provide that information to them. Lion Kent said Lion Scott Ludlum has volunteered to be the morning starting MC but we will need another volunteer for the returning riders/ riders. Lion Eli said Lion Jenni will be coming in at 9:30 and maybe she can do it. Lion Kent said we need to concentrate on getting corporate teams in the future. Right now Lion Al said the 60K route has the most riders signed up. Lion Al said he will be sending the registration report to Lion’s Claire, Jen, and Jeff tonight at 9:00 PM. Lion Al said he wrote up instructions on his registration database for Lion’s Claire, Jen, and Jeff. Membership is one of goals and it will be at the Lions canopy. Lion John Noone said there is a work party at his house Friday starting at 6:30 PM. Lion John said the SAG vehicles need to be returned to Frontier Ford at 10 AM Sunday.
Opportunity Drawing – Lion Kent won the opportunity drawing and gave it all to the club. Thank you Lion Kent.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn