AM Meeting Minutes 4/20/2017

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Steve, Al, Mort, Eli, Herb, John, and Kent.

Dates to remember –

– District 4C6 convention May 3-7, 2017 in Santa Maria, Ca.
Registration deadline April 3rd.
Golf Tournament June 17, 2017 at Moffett Field Golf Course
LCIF/ADA Ride4Diabetes on August 26, 2017 De Anza College

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb went around and collected Happy Dollars for the Warriors and Sad Dollars for the AM club losing our waitress for many years Lenora who retired without notice. We all hope she is well and things are good for her.

Board Meeting Review –

Lion Al said he was in the process of updating the clubs charter bylaws, the first18 pages have been done with the next 18 pages being reviewed by
Lion Claire for legal aspects. Lion Al is bringing things up to date such as being
able to vote on things electronically (email) in 48 hours of sending them out.
Talked about current club membership status with 41-42 members.
Charity and Club accounts are in good shape. Lion Steve did have some questions which will be looked at.
Lion Al said he would be attending the 4C-6 convention in Santa Maria, Ca. The only office being contested is for 2nd VP.
$170 was authorized for a full page add in the District directory.

Golf Tournament – Lion Al said that is is aware of several golfers signed up and a couple of sponsors. We need more golfers, sponsors, an tee sign sponsors. Lion Al thought Lion Amy and Lion Vijay are still talking with OB Sports and Google on pricing. Lion Steve said we currently have $1,728 in donations with 75% of donation requests sent out. Lion Steve said the Packing party will be at
6 PM June 15th at his and Ellen’s home.

Ride4Diabetes Bike Event – Lion Kent said he made a presentation to the
Los Gatos Lions club who seemed very interested in helping us. Lion Kent said that inter-personal communications seems to be more effective than electronic.
Lion Kent said in his conversation with the YMCA that they are interested in promoting our event. Lion John said he has added in a walking course for those who would just like to walk since there has been some interest shown. It was also brought up that we would need a $800 rider for LCI liquor insurance coverage. Lion Eli asked what % goes to the ADA and what does our portion of the profits support. Discussions will continue about what we support now and what we would support I the future with this money.

Good of the Order –

Lion Don Lang presented the club with a certificate from the “Edge” youth support group.

Lion John recommended that the chairmen of each major fundraising event do a narrative so members who take over that event knows the basic operations of the event. The narratives could be stored on our website for all to look at.

Lion John Noone asked how he could get info on the new club members so he could update the website directory, he was told to contact either Lion Jill, Jeff, or Vijay as one of them should have the information.

Lion Al said he was going to attend the District 4C-6 convention in Santa Maria. He said we need a copy of the amendments to discuss how we should vote on them.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Ray who won the opportunity drawing.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn