AM Meeting Minutes 12/21/2017
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Al, Bill, Eli, John, and Kent.
Dates to Remember:
January 3, 2018 PM MeetingTony and Alba’s
January 16, 2018 Board Meeting time and place TBD.
February 3, 2018 Annual Crab Feed @ St. Lawrence Church
February 8, 2018 Student Speaker Contest Odd-Fellows Hall
Visitors – None
Guests – None
Tail Twister – Tail Twister Pro Temp Eli went around and collected Happy Dollar’s from various Lions. Lion Kent rolled the dice for his Birthday, he rolled a nine and gave eight dollars to the club. Lion Ron gave a Happy Dollar for the return of Lion Eli to the AM meetings and he is recovering well.
Crab Feed – Lion Steve is hosting a Crab Feed meeting on Tuesday January 2, 2018 at 6:30 PM to discuss leadership organization rolls for the crab feed. Lion Al said ticket sales for the first seating are currently 140 and will probably be sold out, so we need to start selling tickets for the 2nd seating as there has not been any sold yet. There was a discussion about an email blast out to the previous crab feed attendees along with the golf and Ride4Diabetes email lists to promote the Crab Feed. Lion Ray said the Monta Vista Inn was buying a table and donating wine to the Crab Feed. Lion Kent said he has talked with the Leo’s club and they are they having a large number of volunteers. Lion Ray will take care of the seating chart and settings for the tables. Lion Eli reminded everyone that Crab Feed tickets make a great Christmas gift so buy them for your friends if you can. Remember the Crab Feed is at Saint Lawrence the Martyr Church in Santa Clara off of Lawrence Expressway and Cabrillo.
Board Meeting – Lion Al said there was not a quorum at the meeting so there was no action taken on the items discussed. There was a discussion about changing the time of the Board meetings to 6:30 PM. This will be proposed at the next Board meeting. It was also brought up that the new Google list serve does not allow members to send a message to the board members as a list so it is proposed at this time if you have an issue you want brought up to the board send it to one of the Board members and they will forward it to the other board members. There will be a vote on the continuance of the Ride4Diabetes event next year. There will be an survey sent out for our Charter Night dinner to pick a date of either March 10, 2018 or March 24, 2018.
Good of the Order –
Lion Ray talked about the MD-4 Convention to be held in San Diego, February 9-11, 2018 Crowne Plaza Hotel San Diego – Mission Valley. For further information check the MD-4 website.
Lion Eli said Lion Mort wanted to thank everyone for the honor of being given a Melvin Jones Award. There is no doubt Lion Mort that you deserve the award and we are honored to have you as a member of the club.
Lion Eli said the club received a One Hundred dollar donation from Carl Erickson’s parents in honor of the Erickson, Eliason, and Ludlum families.
Lion Ron read Thank You letters from the YWCA and the USO for our contributions.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Ray won.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn