AM Meeting Minutes, 10/22/2015

Lions Present: Al, Walt, Phil, Steve, Bill, Mort, Eli, Herb, Kent, Ron, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember

–      November 14th, 10 am 1 pm, 3rd Annual 4C6 Stop Hunger Now event, St Francis Episcopal Church, 1205 Pine Ave, San Jose.

–      November 14th, 9 am, 2nd District Cabinet Meeting, Palmer College Chiropractic, 90 East Tasman Dr, San Jose.

–      November 16th, 5:30 8:30 pm, Bingo, 2120 Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, Lion Prez Jeff & Lion Walt

–      November 17th, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting location TBD.

–      November 21 23rd, De Anza Lions Thanksgiving Food Drive

–      December 5, 6 9 pm, Christmas Party, Odd Fellows Hall.

Tail Twister It was Lion Walt’s birthday. He rolled the dice and made a donation to the club. Lion Mort gave a Happy Dollar in honor of her grandson, Eli Wallace receiving an Award at school for helping a crying little boy.

Board Meeting Review

Financial review: All reports have been submitted.

Christmas Party: is scheduled for December 5th, 6 to 9 pm at the Odd Fellows Hall. Please RSVP to Barb and Lion Al at by Nov 20th. Potluck food, signup sheet will be forthcoming. Organizational meeting will be held on November 10th.

The Board authorized a $100 donation for the Lions Rose Parade Float. Don’t forget to look for it in the New Year’s Day Rose Parade.

Lion Al did a survey for the cost of storage lockers. What we are paying is about what most are charging. The Board decided not to make a change at this time.

The SAY Dream Center: Our club has decided to make our normal donation and pass on the additional donation for a tile.

Eagle Scout Project: Our scout volunteer wants to set up an eyeglass collection system and work for 3 months. The Board will ask that he work for 4 months, which will end about the same time as the end of the school year.

NURU International: is a U.S. based social venture that equips the poor living in remote, rural areas to end extreme poverty in their communities. The Board is debating whether to give a $1500 donation to them or the India Eye Camp.

Membership & the De Anza Leos: Lion Prez Jeff suggested a possible end of year event should be given to get Leo’s interested in Lions…maybe a banquet.

Food Drive: The signup sheet is posted online. Please signup at your earliest convenience. The packing unit is fully staffed except for the distribution needs on Monday. Lion Steve and Ellen have been collecting apple boxes. Many more are still needed.

Crab Feed: There will be a crab feed meeting on Nov 3rd, 7 pm at Tu Mero Mole, 590 Old San Francisco Road, Sunnyvale. The Thrown Together Jazz Band has agreed to provide music again this year. Lion Steve has emailed the flier to all members. Tickets are reserved for those who had tables of 8 or more last year. Those reservations must be acknowledged by Dec 16th or they will be released.

Rebekah Children’s Services: The Board has agreed to make a $500 donation to Rebekah House rather than buy 4 dinner tickets.

Fun Run or Bicycle Race: Although Lion Kent was unable to make the meeting his proposal was discussed favorably. The Boards interest is dependant on how the crab feed does. Lion Kent at the AM meeting said a proposal should be made about a year in advance. It will take time to set a date and pull permits.

Good of the Order

Flag Presentation: Lion Mort said the presentation at Kathryn Hughes Elementary School went very well last week. There is a plan to return to Hughes in May for a picnic at the nearby park. A Flag Presentation at Sutter School is also planned in May.

A Frame Signs: Lion Steve has purchased two A frame signs at Harbor Freight to make up for the one that is missing since the Cupertino Fall Festival.

Student Speaker Contest: To save money the Student Speaker contest packets will be passed out at the 2nd District Cabinet meeting on Nov 14th, 9 am at Palmer College Chiropractic, 90 East Tasman Drive San Jose.

Amazon Smile: The question was raised as to why we have not received any money from the Amazon Smile program. They do not send out a check until a certain dollar amount has been raised.

Partisan Politics: Lion Al has reminded us that our by-laws do not allow for the discussion of partisan politics at our meetings.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to our winner, again, Lion Phil.

Lion Walt
