A.M. Meeting minutes for 8/13/2020


Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Herb, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Don, Bill, Kent, and Eli.

Dates to Remember –

– PM Zoom Meeting September 2, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Herb took care of the tail twister duties.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said everything was going well at the garden sight and she was going to talk with Rick about adjustments to the watering system in therein house. Lion Joan said she emptied some of the plant trays that were standing in water and replaced them with trays that had drainage holes. She said all the plants are doing well but we need to look at something to protect the plants outside.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Ray has talked with the registrar and has sent out to the club signup sheets for the various activities that they need help with. Take a look and see what you might want to volunteer for.Lion Ray said this is a great opportunity for the club to make a few thousand dollars to help our charity fund since one of our major fund raisers the golf tournament has been postponed until next year due to the coronavirus.

Golf Tournament – Lion Al said we currently have $5,142 donated to our fund raising request to the past golfers and friends of golfers.

Good of the Order –

Lion Dagi said she was took Maria to the Lions eye clinic last Friday for her follow up testing. Lion Dagi said her next appointment is September 25th. Maria has eyed drops to see if that helps with the glaucoma and if not she might need surgery again.
Lion Leslye said her son-in-law wants to donate some shares of stock to the clubs perpetual fund so she asked Lion Al how to do that. Lion Al said at this time the local Charles Schwab office is closed here. He has contact information for a local representative and as soon as the account is setup in the El Paso, Texas office he will let everyone know. All correspondence is thru the El Paso branch until our local offices are reopened.

Lion Ray asked about the Leo’s club. Lion Kent said he had sent all the info to Lion Jill for LCI processing. Lion Kent said the Leo’s club from Lynbrook is looking for guidance from the Monta Vista Leo’s on how to get things rolling.

Lion Joan asked Lion Bill and Lion Steve when they wanted to talk with Rick at Camp Via West about the train installation. Lion Steve said maybe in a couple of weeks after he fully recovers from his surgery.

Lion Leslye said Canine Companions gave her the phone number of a local trainer and she will try to set up a Zoom meeting with her to talk about Canine Companions.

Lion Leslye talked about Project Linus which many of us have done blankets before, Leslye is wondering if we can do a Zoom blanketeering event. Lion Leslye could put together packages to pick up prior to the event. We are looking at doing it either on September 12th or 19th.

Lion Leslye said she forwarded her notes from the District Cabinet meeting to Lion Prez Jeff. Lion Leslye said they announced all of the Officers of our Leo’s clubs at the meeting. She also said that the Leo’s club advisors from our club needs to be certified.

Lion Al said he had sent off the paper work required to the California Secretary of State and the Attorney Generals Office.

Lion Leslye asked all of the Lions to remember Lion John Noone on the second anniversary of his passing. God bless Lion John.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn