A.M. Meeting minutes for 7/9/2020


Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Al, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, Phil, Eli, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.

– 2020/2021 Board: August 5th, PM Meeting, Board Installation
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 cancelled
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Herb said everyone was fined a dollar today. Lion Leslye said her Happy dollar was for her youngest daughter’s birthday.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said things are going smoothly and she purchased some items from Summerwinds that we will need. Lion’s Joan, Leslye, Dagi, Linda, and Lion Leslye’s son Chris went to the green house to survey what needs to be done. Lion Joan said when you come to Camp Via West that the entrance to the park will be closed by a barrier and you need to move it to get in and then replace it. Lion Joan said she needs the names of the individuals who will be attending for Rick and Via West. Lion Joan said that Rick has the tools we need for the cleanup and Lion Ron will get the power washer from storage just incase we will need it. Lion Joan said she will check with Rick to see if we need the power washer.

PM Meeting Review-

Lion Al said the clubs By-Laws were approved by the Board and will be sent out to the club to be reviewed and voted on the club members.
Lion Al said the club’s budget will be presented to the Board at their next meeting.Lion Joan said she would send out a signup sheet to the PM members for the clean up of the green house at Camp Via West.
Lion Steve talked about Destination Home and its mission to end homelessness in the South Bay. It was also mentioned the the City of Cupertino council voted down any help for the homeless and that the State ofCalifornia is seeing the city for not meeting the states guidelines. Lion Eli said he read in the Mercury news that the City of San Jose had a snafu with Abode Services on the trailer situation. Destination Home is looking for advocacy support from a community services group to support them by talking to the Cupertino City council to support the homeless at their next city council meeting. The next Zoom City Council meeting is scheduled for July 21, 2020. Lion Linda asked about the trailers and why we could not use the JC Penny parking lot to put the trailers in. Lion Eli said he would talk with Sandy James at Sandhill Properties to see if they would allow it. Lion Joan said she would send the information on the City Council meeting to Eli.
Charity Golf 2020 Update: In place of the tournament this year, Jenni and Carl are organizing three ways to get donations instead: a letter that will somehow be sent to our sponsors and players, an email, and a Go Fund Me page. Then, a follow up with those people to see if they received the letter with the email. Each member of our club can be in charge of contacting those who they usually invite to play. The follow up is the important part to get the donations. Steve will send Carl the names he has on his Golf email and then we can make sure that all of those people are contacted. The major sponsors should be contacted through personal calls. We could give them recognition on the website as well. We need addresses for all the players and we may not have that. $25 as a minimum request and $10,000 as a goal. Spreadsheet will be emailed showing our golf contacts, along with a draft of the letter for feedback. Go Fund Me can be pushed out on all social media platforms. Since the golfers did pay via Paypal last year, can we put a link to the Paypal in the email. Can we put a list of more specific charities that this donation will go to? There is a link to our website that shows this, but one example would be a good idea.
Lynbrook High School Leos Club: the Leo Club has been reinstated at Lynbrook HS, but we need an advisor for this club. Kent and Liang are in charge of the other two. The advisor helps with the charter and the students what Lionism means and Lions procedures. They have their officers set up already. The advisor is the contact when we recruit for volunteers from the Leos for our own club events. Kent will send Jeff the details and Jeff will send out an email to the club asking for the advisor, showing what is involved. We are in more of a time crunch to get all the paperwork before the school year starts.

Good of the Order –

Lion Dagi volunteered to take our patient Maria to her appointment at the Lions Eye Hospital in San Francisco.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn