A.M. Meeting minutes for 7/16/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Al, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, and Eli.
Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.
– PM Zoom Meeting August 5th 6:30 PM 2020/2021 Board
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 cancelled
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
TailTwister – Lion Steve took care of the tail twister duties for Lion Herb.
Lynbrook Leo’s Club – Lion Ray said Lynbrook High School Leos Club has been reinstated at Lynbrook HS, but we need an advisor for this club. Kent and Liang are in charge of the other two (Community Leo’s club and Monta Vista Leo’s club). The advisor helps with the charter and the tell students what Lionism means and Lions procedures. They have their officers set up already. The advisor is the contact when we recruit for volunteers from the Leos for our own club events.
Camp Via West – Lion Joan said things are going smoothly and she said the next step is to start seedling plants in the green house. She said we need to learn more about the watering system in the garden area. We also need to provide some kind of critter protection from the squirrels and birds. Lion Joan is going up this Saturday July 19th at 8 AM along with other Lions to investigate the watering system. Lion Joan said she would send out a schedule to the club for everyone that would like to participate can sign up for a time slot. Lion Steve asked Lion Joan if she had talked to Rick about the train setup, which she said she had not. She said she would send Lion Steve Rick’s phone number so Lion Steve could talk to him directly. Lion Bill said when he talked with Rick that Rick said we could not put it up in the dining/community room that we would have to put it in another building and make it moveable so it could be put away if needed.
Homeless Project – Lion Steve talked about Destination Home and its mission to end homelessness in the South Bay. Lion Steve said his wife Ellen had talked with the Cupertino City manager Deborah Feng about the homeless situation in Cupertino and she provided some information. Lion Steve said he would send out that information to the club so look for it. Lion Eli said he discussed it with his doctor during an appointment and his doctor advised him or anyone in the 70+ age bracket to stay away from the homeless camps for fear of coronavirus infection. The trailers that Lion Steve and Eli tried to look at it was found out they are owned by FEMA not the city of San Jose. Lion Steve said the gentleman fro Destination Home would be willing to talk to us again at the next PM meeting. It was said that a number of homeless are happy with their situation and do not want any help. Lion Al said he thought the problem was too big for our small club to tackle. Lion Bill said he agreed with Lion Al as did others.
Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said the annual golf tournament has been officially canceled for this year. He has set up the next tournament for June 26, 2021 at Moffett Field. Lion Jenni has prepared a letter for club members to send out to their golf participants or any friends they want to help with fund raising. There is also a “Go Fund Me” page set up by Lion Carl. We want to thank both of them for their hard work. Lion Ron and Lion Al had a couple of questions about the new contract which Lion Ray said he would get clarified. Lion Ray said he would asked Lion Claire to look at the contract to she if she had any legal concerns. Lion Steve said he was going in for some surgery on July 30th and was not sure if he would be able to do the mass mailing and that he would talk with Lion Carl about it.
Good of the Order –
Lion Ray wanted to Thank Lion Pat Coppe for her donation of $1,000 to the golf fund. Lion Steve said he was going to send Lion Al a check for $200. We want to thank everyone for any donation they might be able to make.
Lion Al said last year our cost per golfer for the tournament was $77.
Lion Al said he was ready anytime for the stock Lion Steve wanted to donate to the Perpetual Fund but currently Charles Schwab has closed all of its offices in California and he would have to send the stock info to an El Paso, Texas office if we want to do it now.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn