A.M. meeting minutes for 6/25/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Eli, Mort, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, and Bill.
Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.
– Budget Meeting June 27th at Lion Al’s or via Zoom at 1 PM
– PM meeting July 8, 2020 at 6:30 via Zoom
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 ?
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
TailTwister – Lion Herb went around the screen and asked for donations.
Camp Via West – Lion Joan sent an email to Rick and has not heard back from him yet. Lion Joan wants to set up a date or dates to get started on the cleanup for the green house. The thought that it would take 2 days so she is setting up Friday July 10th and Saturday July 11th. She thought that we would start at 9:00 A.M. and work until 12 noon both day or until we get finished. We need to clean the pots, shelving, and the glass. Lion Ron will get the power washer from the storage unit. Lion Joan said each Lion needs to bring buckets , brushes, gloves, and masks. Lion Steve bought a sink to install in the green house.
Budget Meeting – Lion Al said the Budget Meeting will be held in his garage which can hold about 12 individuals with social distancing. He said that he sent out the budget meeting sheets. Lion Ali thought we would spend about thirty minutes on the admin budget and the rest on the community budget. Lion Bill and Lion Eli suggested that we leave the budget as is and if we don’t make any budget then we should cut the budget across the board at that time. If you have a charity you would like to fund/support please send a write up and dollar amount to Lion Al so he can present it to the Board and club.
Good of the Order – Lion Al said he updated the golf flyer to reflect the possible cancellation of the tournament and a thank you notice for any donations we get which we discussed. Lion Leslye said she would like a copy of it to review and Lion Al said he would send out a copy of the revised flyer to the club.
Lion Eli and Lion Steve talked about trailers from the city of San Jose for the homeless and what we could do to help Destination Home/Abode Services repair them and install them in a parking lot in Cupertino. Lion Bill said the issue with putting them any where is that they are required to have sanitation and water hook ups.
Lion Ray mentioned that Lion Leslye attended the June 20th Zoom cabinet meeting and took great notes about the meeting. Lion Leslye said she would send the notes out to the club.
Lion Ray mentioned that the San Martin Lions were having a clean up day at their facility on Sunday June 28th from 9-12 and if anyone was interested to contact Lion Robert so he could order lunch for them.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn