A.M. Meeting Minutes for 6/11/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Steve, Al, Eli, Mort, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Don, and Bill.
Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.
– Budget Meeting June 27th at Lion Al’s or via Zoom at 1 PM
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 ?
TailTwister – Lion Herb went around the screen and collected donations. Lion Ron donated another dollar for his mothers birthday and Lion Bill’s upcoming birthday both will be turning 94, congratulations. Lion Al donated another four bits.
District Awards Ceremony and Cabinet Meeting and Thank you Luncheon –
Lion Ray said the meeting was cancelled at the Hayes Mansion but they are looking at doing a ZOOM meeting. Lion Ray said he would find out the particulars and let the club know.
Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray said the new guidelines for the Student Speaker contest are as follows: District Student Speaker Chairs to send invitation to students still active in the “original” speech contest, regardless of level, (which has been cancelled in its original form) to submit their speeches in written form to the District Student Speaker Chair for judging. (No Later than June 27, 2020). District Chair will contact the top 4 students and ask them to record a YouTube video of their speech to be submitted for judging to the District Chair no later than July 18,2020.
Camp Via West – Lion Joan contacted Rick at Camp Via West and talked to him about the Green House. She will meet with him tomorrow June 12th at 11 AM to go look over the green house and see what he has in mind. Any one that would like to attend is invited. Lion Steve asked Lion Bill if he had talked to Rick at the camp about installing a train set up there for the children. Lion Bill said he did talk with him and he said he would consider it but not in the main hall.
Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said he contacted the General Manager to see what the situation was, the general manager said currently it is an issue with Google who has hired OB Sports to run the course and the County of Santa Clara. Currently there is no date set for re-opening. Lion Dagi said she walks by the course and it is well maintained. Lion Don said if it opens and we do have the tournament if carts are an issue where only one person can ride/drive why can’t the cart carry the two bags with one person driving the cart and the other person walking the course. If the August 29th date falls thru we still have October to fall back on. If it looks like the tournament will not take place we are looking at sending out a notice to all the golfers to see if they would make a donation to our club.
Good of the Order – Lion Ray said he went down to the San Martin Lions club where the A.J. Robinson van is kept and helped mow down all the dry grass and weeds to help prevent any fires. Lion Ray said there are no events scheduled for the AJ Robinson van until September.
Lion Al went over the financial spending so far this year and we are about eight thousand dollars under spent. There are several of the charities we support that he has not heard from that he will try and contact.
Lion Eli said that the city park he had mentioned behind the Cupertino Hotel he thought we might be able to hold the Student Speaker contest at was actually owned by the hotel and not the city.
Lion Bill said that Holders Country Inn was set up for outside dining now. Lion Joan confirmed it.
Respectfully submitted by: Lion Ron Ahearn