A.M. Meeting Minutes for 3/5/2020
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Ann, Herb, Kent, Joan, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
March 14th Charter Night Dinner
March 26, 2020 Regional Student Speaker Contest
Cupertino Odd Fellows Hall 7:00 PM
May 8th Trip to Canine Companions Graduation
June 20th Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb went around and collected happy dollars for Lion Leslye’s recuperation. Lion Kent gave a happy dollar for the recovery of his father from pneumonia, also that he can now get two cars his garage.
P.M. Meeting Review –
Crab Feed 2020 – Successful event, 13,890.00 for charity. Anticipating that goes up a little more. Carl would like to see if we can partner with someone and/or offer some incentive for another club to help us out for the purpose of getting more volunteers. Reaching out to other high schools, outside of Leos, for high school volunteers. Putting word out to other Lions clubs for volunteers. The date is in question because the church has something on the 30th : so it has to be Super Bowl Saturday or Jan. 23rd. January 23rd is the date which will work. The raffle had fewer items, but people spent more on the items, so it was a success. Jenni and Carl rock!!
Santa Clara County Registrar – Lions Civic Project, Win-Win for the club corp: the operation systems worked well and it was smooth for the volunteers. The money we bring into the club is about $2,000.
Board Meeting Highlights –
Sixth Bomber Association facilitation in their 501-3C approved.
Charter night we are going to vote on the bylaws, if we have a quorum. See email from Claire for bylaws.
Perpetual Fund: money put into a fund for a cause, place, or organization that they feel strongly about. Then, the club is entitled to spend the interest, but not the principle. The board is in the process of figuring out how to make stock donations work as the Ratner’s would like to donate that to the Perpetual Fund. The discussion needs to continue at the board about how to handle it and which broker to use.
Board Members Needed! 2020-2021. We have to submit our officer and board names in April. We have a couple board members who want to take a break, so please offer up your time if you want to be on the board to Jeff!
Golf Committee Chair: we need a Golf Committee Chairperson for this year.
Charter Night 2020 – voting the By-Laws, enjoying the fellowship, Club’s 51st birthday, sign up on the sheet Ray/Claire sent out for meals by this Friday, the 6th!
Regional Student Speaker contest: Email Lion Ray to volunteer. Thursday, the 26th of March at Cupertino Odd FellowsHall in the evening
Sponsors for Club Members try to get them to attend meetings! Lion Eli said that the PM meeting attendance is not great. If you are a sponsor of a Lion that doesn’t attend, ask them to come to the meetings. We desperately need attendance from the people involved in the Ride4Diabetes committee.
Lion Leslye wanted to thank Lion Claire for sending out the visit email and Lion Leslye was thankful for the support.
Charter Night – This will be celebrating our 51st year as a club. Lion Ray said that the festivities would start at 5:15 P.M. with Dinner being served at 6:30 P.M. Lion Ray said that it would be a Saint Paddy’s day theme. Lion Claire sent out a sign up sheet along with the dinner choices so please sign up as it is always a lot of fun. Lion Steve said he will print the tickets for the dinner. The price is $40 per person. Lion Ray said he would check with Lion Kent on the Leo’s for taking care of the children.
Good of the Order – Lion Leslye is eating solid food now and is up and walking around.
Lion Al talked about a table of 10 people at the crab feed that was putting our crab in plastic bags during the crab feed and taking it home. This needs to be addressed directly to the people if that happens in the future.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Al won.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn