A.M. Meeting minutes for 3/11/2021
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Eli, John, Dagi, Don, and Phil.
Dates to Remember –
– Charity Crab Feed 2021 On Line Donations thru
– Hunger Drive Volunteers Saturday 3/13, 8 AM-12
– Charter Day at Camp Via West April 24
11:00 AM til 3:00 PM
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?
Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, wanted to thank Lion Joan and Lion Steve for doing double duty as timers and tellers. Lion John said that Lion Suda did a great job running the contest virtually. Lion Ray is not sure whether the next level contest will be virtual or in person. Lion Ray wanted to thank Lion Al for processing the contestants checks so fast.
Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Joan said that we had a great volunteer at the camp last Saturday who brought a couple of other volunteers and Lion Joan hopes she will become a regular.
Lion Joan said that she took a class on crop planning and got a spread sheet tool that will help in in our crop planting. Lion Joan said we currently have about 75 varieties plants growing. Lion Joan talked about possibly selling the small plants or the actual left over harvest to generate some revenue for the club. Lion Steve said he got the controllers for temperature control in the green house to keep a constant temperature around 80 degrees. Lion Joan said she was going to talk with Lion Kent about talking to the Leo’s about doing some weeding at the garden area. Lion Joan said she would be at the camp Saturday 3/13 around 1:30 PM for those who would like to join her.
Golf Tournament – Lion Ray talked about the golf tournament and how we should go forward with it. It was mentioned that the Auburn Lions were having a tournament on May 21, 2021 @ $125/person and that the Cupertino Rotary was having a tournament May 1, 2021 @$85/person. Discussions were held about when to have one if we can or do we want to hold a miniature golf tournament like the Super Almaden Lions have done in the years past. Lion Ray said he would contact some of their members to see how it was set up, once he gets that information he would contact Golfland in Sunnyvale to see if we could hold one there and the propose it to the board if that is the way we decide to go. There was discussion also about changing the date of the tournament due to the virus restrictions. If we have a tournament Lion Eli said the 2nd or 3rd week of July would probably work best. Lion John said he would check with Lion Claire to see what lesson’s we could learn from what we did with the Food Drive so successfully.
Good of the Order –
Lion Dagi said she will take Maria up to San Francisco for her next eye appointment on Wednesday. Thank you Lion Dagi.
Lion Ray talked about possibly having a regular meeting at Holders Country Inn in the near future .
Lion Ron Ahearn