A.M. meeting minutes for 2/18/2021
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Don, John S., Joan, Phil, Eli, Mort, Dagi, Leslye, and Herb.
Dates to Remember –
– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?
Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, Lion Sudha and Lion Liang had a meeting to firm up the preliminary speech contest and narrow the number of participants, we currently have 30 students interested in participating. The preliminary contest will probably be split into two groups of fifteen to narrow the contestants down to four for the club contest on March 6th. Lion Ray said he has three judges set up and Lion John said he has an individual that would like to be a judge as well. Lion Ray said he would need tellers and timers for the club contest on March 6th. Lion Ray said he would talk with Lion Jim Isaccson to see how their club has set up their virtual speaker contest event to see how they did it. Lion Ray said one of the students from Homestead High school would like to set up a Leo’s club at the school.
Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Joan said Lion Dagi was the master of seeding. Lion Joan said we currently have 1300 plants to transplant, we might give some to a non profit to distribute among individuals that want to grow a family garden but cannot afford to purchase plants. Lion Joan said we could also put a note on next-door and sell the plant seedlings to help pay for our Camp Via West expenses for the garden. Lion Joan said Lion Danessa is working on the signs for the garden area. Lion Steve worked on the sprinkler system for the lower garden area and still has some work to do on it. Lion Joan said she would be up at the camp Saturday afternoon about 1:30 PM if anyone would like to join her. Lion Ray said he would bring an air pump for the wheel barrow. Lion Joan said she saw an article in the Cupertino Patch (an electronic version of the local newspaper) on our work at the camp. Lion John Smith said this is a project that should be in the Lions magazine for other clubs to see what we are doing and they might start one for their club. Lion Joan said we are trying to get an article in the Cupertino Courier to let the local residents know what we are doing which might help in getting new members.
Crab Feed – Lion Dagi said the flyer and letter for the Crab Feed is now on our website but the links they refer to for donations are not working. Lion Al said he provided Lion Carl with approximately 300 email addresses of past attendees to have a mass mailing going out to request donations since we are not able to have a Crab Feed this year because of Covid restrictions. The mass mailing has not happened yet. Lion Al made a minor change to the letter and sent it to Lion Dagi to put on the web site. Lion Leslye asked what our fund raising goal was and Lion Dagi said at least $3,000.
Good of the Order –
Update on Lions Health – Most of the Lion’s said they received their first vaccination with several others saying they have their second shot scheduled. Lion Joan said that Lion Linda Sanders is is being taken care of by her son Adam and is not doing well at this time. Lion John Smith said everything seems to be going in the right direction for his wife Carmel. Lion Eli said Lion Pat Coppe’s husband Dino is doing well and is on a chemo pill regiment at this time.
Lion Steve said he and Ellen took Maria up to San Francisco for her eye operation and everything went well. Lion Dagi picked her up after the surgery was complete. She is scheduled to have her post operation meeting today. Lion Steve said she has her second post-op next Friday.
Lion Al said Lion Jeff is looking at stepping down as President of the club at the end of his term and is interested in doing other duties in the club.
Lion Al said the Board is looking at setting up a committee of three Board members and two Lion club members to manage the Perpetual fund.
Lion Ron Ahearn