A.M. Meeting Minutes for 2/11/2021

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, John S., Joan, Phil, Bill, Eli, Mort, Kent, Charlie, and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray, Lion Sudha and Lion Liang will have another zoom meeting this Saturday to firm up the preliminary speech contest to narrow the number of participants. Lion Ray said he has three judges set up and would like to get one more as an alternate just in case. Lion Ray said that Lion Jim Isaccson has created fillable forms for the tellers and timers to fill out. Lion Ray said if you are interested in being a timer or teller please let him know. The Club, Zone, and Region contest will be on Zoom. There may be an in-person event for the final competition, so we may have some students drop off who are not comfortable with that scenario.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Steve said the train setup is complete and ready to go. The area has been cleaned up and ready for the campers when they return.
Lion’s Joan and Dagi put out a request letter to several local business’s for donations and has received one request back from Summerwinds saying they would provide some support. Lion Joan said Lion Steve will help in setting up the sprinkler system in the lower garden beds now that they are ready for planting. Lion Ray and Lion Herb will go up this Saturday and cut tubing to make arches for bird netting in the new planting beds. Lion Joan said the garden is about two thirds done as far as planting goes. Lion Joan said Lion Dagi is doing an amazing job in the garden area and is up there working almost daily. Lion Joan said she liked Lion Kent’s idea about an article for the Cupertino Courier which might help bring in new members. Lion Joan said she would talk with Lion Danessa about writing the article since she is an excellent writer. Lion Kent said he talked with Camp Via West manager Rick about Leo’s helping out with some minor chores that they could do around the camp. Lion Kent then talked to the Monta Vista Leo’s club and they said they would be interested in doing it. Lion Joan said she would like to talk with the Leo’s group before they start working to tell them about the poison oak/ivy in the area so they would be knowledgeable when cleaning up certain areas.

Crab Feed –  Lion Dagi said the flyer and letter for the Crab Feed is now on our website. Lion Al said he provided Lion Carl with approximately 300 email addresses of past attendees to have a mass mailing going out to request donations since we are not able to have a Crab Feed this year because of Covid restrictions. Lion Al will make a minor change to the letter and send it to Lion’s Dagi, Carl, and Ray. 

Charter Night/Day – Lion Eli said that Lion Jill was going to send out a letter concerning the date of April 17th for the Charter day and Camp Via West. She will be asking if another date could chosen as that is spring break for schools and some members might not be able to attend. AM members said that was okay with them. Lion Ray said he would email Lion Jill and talk with her about other dates.

Good of the Order –

Update on Lions Health – Several of the Lion’s said they received their first vaccination with several others saying they have appointments scheduled next week. Lion Linda Sanders is under hospice care and taken care of by her son Adam. Lion John Smith’s wife Carmel had a PET scan and everything seems to be going in the right direction.

Lion Steve said he and Ellen took Maria up to San Francisco for her pre-op meeting with the Lion’s eye clinic on Tuesday. She is scheduled to have her operation this Wednesday. Lion John Smith asked Lion Steve if a member of the Eye clinic staff had contacted Maria to discuss with her exactly what the surgery would entail. Lion Steve said as far as he knows she had not been contacted. Lion John said he would follow up with the Eye Clinic to see if they had talked with Maria.

Lion Ron Ahearn