A.M. Meeting Minutes for 11/12/2020

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Phil, Eli, Mort, Leslye, Joan, Don, Linda, Herb, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 21-23
– Charity Crab Feed 2021 (might be modified due to
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Lions Eye Foundation – Lion John Smith gave us a briefing on what the Lions Eye Foundation does for our community. Lion John said that The Lions Eye Foundation of California-Nevada, Inc. (LEF) preserves and restores the gift of sight by providing free ophthalmic examinations, operations, and medication to the less fortunate members of our community. The foundation reaches out to the underprivileged and underserved community. Patients are screened and referred by member Lions Clubs, physicians, health clinics, nurses, and opticians. There is no cost to patients. Examinations and operations are performed by Resident Physicians at the California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) under the supervision of volunteer board-certified opthalmologists who donate their services. Member Lions Clubs pay an annual contribution to the LEF to help offset operating expenses. Lion John said the budget/expenses for the LEF is approximately $650,000 per year and the value of the services provided are approximately $4.5 million annually. Lion Al said we donate annually to the eye foundation. Lion John said they are asking for additional donations as well. Next week he will try and provide us with a video about the foundation.

Food Drive – Lion ay discussed the upcoming Food Drive and that Lion Jen had sent out a revised list of the non-perishable food items that we need to get. Lion Ray said that we will have to purchase the Turkey’s on Monday morning. Lion Steve and Ellen said they had contacted the Lucky’s store on El Camino about purchasing the turkey’s and they will let us know Monday what kind of deal they can give us. They are contacting other stores to see if we can get a better price. Lion Leslye said we would be using her garage to do the set up of the boxes and food items on Saturday and Sunday. Lion Ron will check storage to see what we have as far as boxes and tape. Lion Leslye said she would need twelve tables for the food drive set up. Lion Al said we had already received $562 in donations. Lion Al also mentioned that Lion Jim Gould dropped off a check for the food drive, thank you Lion Jim. There will be a Zoom Food Drive meeting Monday November 16th at 7:30 PM for any one that would like to join in.

Lion’s News Letter – Lion Leslye said that she sent out a copy of the Lions news letter that she had created and asked for comments and other events of interest for the next news letter that she will do quarterly. Lion John Smith said that was a great idea for the club and it may help get new members. Lion Prez Jeff will look into providing it to the District so they can post it for other clubs to see.

Camp Via West Garden – Lion Joan wanted to thank all of those that attended the open house/picnic on Saturday at the camp to see what we have accomplished.

Lion Steve talked about the work going on with the train set that he is putting up for the children. Lion Steve and Ellen installed 40 brackets for the train set and he said he had talked with Rick and Rick said he could provide a table saw when we need it for the plywood. Lion Steve will. Need help when he is ready to install the base for the train set.

Good of the Order –

Lion Leslye said she received an email from her friend Sharon from Project Linus and wanted to Thank the Lions who were a part in reaching this awesome milestone. Project Linus has provided in the last 18 years – 100,000 blankets given to 100,000 children in need, providing comfort and support.  Lion Leslye said in our efforts over the last ten years we have provided between 500-700 blankets for this worthy effort.
Opportunity Drawing – None

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn