A.M. meeting minutes for 11/11/2021

Lions in person and Zoom: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Joan, Al, Barbara, Steve, Eli, Bill R., Kent, Herb, Bill H., Dagi, Leslye, Ann, John, and Charlie.

Zoom attendees : None

Dates to Remember –
– Food Drive Nov. 20th -22nd, 2021
– Annual Crab Feed February 5, 2022

Guests – None

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb collected donations from all the club members.

Food Drive – Preparation for the Annual Food Drive continues, the same number of families will be served food boxes, 160 to170 families. Any additional donated funds may be used to purchase food or store gift cards to donate to the Farm Workers Families Center in Watsonville. Discussions on whether we will take the extra food down to Watsonville or they will send a truck to pick up the extra food is still unknown. Lion Ray asked Lion Steve for the padlocks that go on the refrigerator truck, Lion Steve said he would get them for him. Lion Ray will contact David Kaplow President of the West San Jose-Campbell Lions club concerning their Food Drive volunteers. Lion Kent will check with the Monta Vista Leo’s club about volunteering for the food drive.

Camp Via West – It was noted that the club is harvesting about fifty pounds of vegetables per month now that fall/winter is here. We are still discussing alternatives for getting rid of the mole problem. Lion Joan said we currently have about ¾ of the garden beds planted with winter vegetables. Lion Steve is working on the water drip system. Lion’s Ray, Herb, and Ron will work on the lower planter beds to try and seal them off so the small critters don’t get into them. They will meet at the camp tomorrow at 10 AM.

Crab Feed – Lion Steve said he checked with the church and that they would require proof of vaccination and masks at the crab feed. This will be the request at this time unless the County changes their requirements. Discussions were held on what we should charge this year. It was suggested that the price would be $60. This will be brought up at the next Board meeting.

Good of the Order –

Lion Steve and Ellen will take Maria to San Francisco on Wednesday for her next eye appointment.
Lion Al and Lion John Smith talked about the transition of the treasurers duties.
Discussions were held about the upcoming club elections in May 2022 and we need to start thinking about new officers including the President of the club.

Opportunity Drawing – Lion John Smith won. Congratulations and thank you for donating your winnings to the club.

Lion Ron Ahearn