A.M. Meeting minutes for 10/29/2020



Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Eli, Mort, Leslye, Joan, Phil, Don, Dagi, Linda, Bill, John S., and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– PM Zoom Meeting November 4, 2020 6:30 PM
– Social Picnic at Camp Via West Nov.14, 2020 ?
– Thanksgiving Food Drive ?
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

ROV – Lion Ray asked if everyone had gotten their training and everyone said yes. Lion Joan said she had the three main numbers of the ROV if anyone needs them. Lion Dagi asked if everyone got their binders and everyone said yes. Lion Don reminded everyone to put their Lions Community Services signs on their car. Lion Al to put a blue piece of tape on the front of the sign so it would not blow off when you are going down the highway.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan talked about the progress of the garden area. The Sprinkler system is being adjusted both in the green house and the garden area to make sure they are getting the appropriate amount of water for the plants. Lion Joan said that Rick was going to buy more tubing for the bird netting over the garden area as the birds are attacking the vegetables. Lion Joan sent out an email about having a social picnic on November 14, in the amphitheater area of Camp Via West where we can do social distancing and let club members see what we have accomplished. She was disappointed that to date she has only got three responses.

Food Drive – Lion Ray said Lion Claire and Lion Jen were setting up a Zoom meeting to talk about how we can accomplish this effort without being at the stores because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Lion Claire will send out an email concerning the Zoom meeting. Lion Ray mentioned that the Odd Fellows were doing a drive thru food collection.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray and Lion Eli talked about the memorial for Bob (Gus) Gustafson a supporter of our Lions Club on November 1, 2020.

Lion Eli also said he had talked with Lion Al about how we could collect money to keep the club’s Charity Fund afloat. He talked about sending an email to club members and asking them to donate what ever they could to help out. He also talked about the tail twister funds and asked how Lion Herb was going to collect the money owed.

Lion Dagi said she took Maria to the Lions Eye Clinic in San Francisco.

Lion John Smith gave us an update on his wife Carmel. He said she would be starting a new drug treatment today and would be on it until her status changes. He said that her blood tests came back in range and her energy was good. Lion John said she is scheduled to have a PET scan on November 5th.

Lion Linda Sanders updated us on her cancer chemo treatment and said she was getting her energy back. She said she was looking at getting a second opinion from Stanford. She wanted to thank all the members of the club for the support they have given her.

Opportunity Drawing – None

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn