A.M. Meeting Minutes for 1/7/2021
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Phil, Joan, Leslye, John, Kent, Don, Eli, Mort, and Herb.
Dates to Remember –
– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6th
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
P.M. MeetingReview –
Camp Via West Garden/Train –Drywall lift ordered for the train set. Steve has adjusted some pieces to fit. Right now just Steve and Ellen are working on it, because of Covid. Hopefully, the lift for the drywall will arrive by January 15.
Lion Dagi and Lion Joan are planning work parties at the Via West garden towards the end of January: the 23rd, 30th, and Feb. 6th, from 9:00-1:00. Joan and Dagi have done the weeds, so that will not be on the list, more cutting of wood, building tasks, and planting seeds. You will get an email about the work party; it will be a small group because of Covid. If anyone wants to see what it looks like, let Lion Dagi or Lion Joan know, if you just want a tour.
At the A.M. meeting Lion Joan said we are looking at expanding the garden area into the goat pen area now that they don’t have goats anymore. We are also looking at setting up a second shelf area in the green house with pallets that they have at the camp. Lion Ron asked if it would be helpful to bring bricks up to the camp to put the pallets on instead of just putting them on the concrete and she replied with a positive yes. Lion Steve said he also had some bricks and cinder blocks he could bring up.
Crab Feed 2021 – Lion Carl and Lion Jenni said because of the fact that we would have to refrigerate, distribute, and charge more than the crab kits were worth, we decided to cancel. But, go with the style of the golf tourney through emails and donations. Lion Carl will create a flyer/blurb and the Go Fund Me page this coming weekend. If you have friends that usually attend, after the mass email is sent out, try to touch base to make sure they got the email and answer any questions they may have. Tell them we plan to be back in 2022! We will work this email donation effort up through February 6th. Goal would be $1,500.00. Dagi will put a blurb on the website and a one sentence ad on the banner. Leslye will include the same blurb in her upcoming newsletter. Contact should be made with Lion’s Liang, Sudha, and Kent so they can let the Leos know that this is our approach in case they want to send this out to those they know as well.
At the A.M. meeting Lion Kent asked if it would be beneficial to designate a specific charity for the donations to go to as we did for the Food Drive. Lion Ron said that was a good idea and that people who donate would like to know where their money goes. Lion Ron said that Camp Via West would be a good idea or any local charity so that individuals know that their donations are going to a local charity and that might help in getting donations. Lion Al said that if that were the case we could then use the current money designated for the camp to support other local charities.
Student Speaker Contest 2021 – Lion Sudha and Lion Liang along with Lion Ray are chairing this virtual event. Our qualifying event is on February 27th, and then the main event is on March 6th. We could even tune in virtually to watch and support our chairs and the student speakers.
At the A.M. meeting Lion Ray said Lion Suda and Lion Liang are leading the effort and have talked with a number of schools and Leo Clubs. Lion Ray said that Lion Suda sent out an email to the schools with a flyer attached. The subject for this speaker contest is “Virtual Learning”. The District has not made a final decision yet if the contest is going to be virtual or in person depending on the Covid rules at that time. Lion Ray said that student speakers need to sign up before January 21st.
Good of the Order –
Lion Leslye said she is working on the 2nd Edition of the Club newsletter and asked for any interesting topics from club members that she might put in the newsletter. Lion John Smith said he would provide a write up on the LCI Eye Center. Lion Steve said he would provide a writeup on the progress on the train installation. Lion Joan said she would provide an update on the garden area.
Lion Eli told everyone that our friend Dino Coppe has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The entire club sends our best prayers and wishes to him Lion Pat Coppe and the family. God Bless and keep on fighting we are praying for you.
Lion Eli said he received an email from the Cupertino Rotary asking where they could put money earned from their golf tournament. He suggested Camp Via, since they have been active in the camp for years as well. He mentioned our train and garden project as in progress and suggested that as a possible recipient.
Lion Ron Ahearn