A.M. Meeting Minutes for 1/28/2021

Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Don, John, Eli, Mort, Kent and Herb.

Dates to Remember –

– Charity Crab Feed 2021 to be On Line Donations ?
– Student Speaker Contest February 27 & March 6
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021 ?
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021 ?

Update on Lions Health – Lion Herb said that his wife Pam talked with Lion Linda Sanders son and that Lion Linda asunder hospice care. Lion Herb also said that Lion Pat Coppe’s husband Dino is at home and is feeling better but is being treated for his cancer.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Ray said we currently have about fifty participants and they were going to split them into two groups and have a virtual contest to narrow it down to a final six participants. Lion John Smith mentioned that his experience in other clubs speech contests that about 50% of the speakers tend to drop out.

Camp Via West Garden/Train – Lion Steve and Ellen have finished setting up the train set at the camp. Lion Steve said all that is left to do is paint the underneath platform boards the same color as the room walls. They are waiting for dryer weather.
Lion Joan also said the garden area is getting plenty of rain but there are still jobs that could be done in the green house for anyone that would like to come out this Saturday would be welcome. Lion Joan said Lion’s Danessa and Jeff have volunteered pending weather. She wanted to thank all of the Lions that came out last Saturday saying that they got a lot accomplished. Lion Joan said that Lion Steve has made a planting box out of 3/8” plywood he had left over form the train set. She said it would work well in the green house. Lion Joan said that Lion Danessa has volunteered to make wooden signs for the the garden area and train set. Lion Dagi said her and Joan harvested another 25-30 bags of greens which we donated to West Valley Community Services. Lion Dagi asked when was the last date they could submit receipts for pay on the garden supplies, Lion Al said June 30, 2021 is the end of our calendar year.

Crab Feed – Lion Al said he had sent information to Lion Carl about the Crab Feed. Lion Carl said he and Lion Jenni would make up a flyer and Go Fund Me Page for the Crab Feed since we are not able to have a crab feed due to Covid restrictions.

Charter Night – Lion Steve said that he had talked with the Director of Communications for Camp Via West Leslye David about using the Amphitheater for our Charter Day on March 17, 2021 to which she agreed. She does have several questions about it mainly about liability insurance which Lion Ray said he would look into getting it. She said she would like to put a write up about what we are doing in their newsletter. Lion Ray asked for Leslye David’s email address and Lion Eli said he would send it to him.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray talked about our annual golf tournament that we usually hold at Moffett Field. He said currently that Moffett Field will not allow shot gun starts like we have for our tournament and that Moffett Field has raised they prices significantly. He is going to ask for our $200 deposit back and possibly talk with other golf courses, Los Lagos and San Jose Muni was mentioned. Last year we did a virtual golf request and Go Fund Me Page and Lion Al said we made approximately $7,580.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray asked Lion Al if Lion Prez Jeff had started to contact those members who were more that one year behind in paying their dues. Lion Al was not sure but we did have one member leave the Lions.
Lion Dagi said she took Maria to her eye appointment on Friday January 22nd in San Francisco. She said Maria was going to have another eye surgery in two months. Lion John Smith said he would try and see what kind of surgery she was going to have.
Lion Dagi asked about Lion John Smith’s wife Carmel. Lion John said that she was doing well and that she received her first Covid vaccination yesterday.
Lion Leslye asked about the clubs quarterly newsletter if it should be put on our website which all of the members said yes. Lion Dagi said she would talk to our webmaster about putting a new tab on our website for it. Lion Kent asked about a search function and Lion Dagi said she would check on that also.

Lion Ron Ahearn