A.M. meeting minutes for 1/20/2022
Lions in person: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Barbara, Joan, Steve, Leslye, Don, Eli, Herb, Bill H., Kent, and Charlie.
Zoom attendees : Lion Bill R.
Dates to Remember –
– Annual Crab Feed Cancelled
– Annual Golf Tournament June 2022
Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb collected donations from club members for 49er’s winning their playoff game and dollars for just being here.
Lion Recognition – Lion Ray passed out several recognition awards one for Lion VJ (15 yrs.) which he gave to Lion Eli to pass on, the other to Lion Bill Reed (30yrs.) who he presented over Zoom and will give it to him the next time he sees him.
Board Meeting Review –
It was mentioned that letters were sent to all of the individuals that purchased tickets to the Crab Feed that they could request a refund of their money or make it a contribution to the clubs Charity Account. If we do not get a response from the individual the money will go into the Charity account. So far $2,770 dollars has been donated and $600 has been refunded.
The Board agreed to donate $500 to the Monterey Building fund for the Blind Center.
Discussions were held concerning the upcoming annual Golf Tournament. Several golf courses were asked to provide information on holding a golf tournament this year in the June timeframe. Out of the four requested we only have had one response so far.
Lion Steve mentioned that the auction/raffle items for the cancelled crab feed will be used for the golf tournament. There were two items that had specific dates that they had to be used on and they both have been sold.
The Board also discussed the sending out of invoices for club member dues on a yearly basis. Several members who have been behind in paying their dues for whatever reason have been removed from the member list.
Information on the Student Speaker contest has been sent to Lion Sudha.
Lion Prez Jeff will send a message to Lion Sudha about R4D.
Golf Tournament – A group will go down to Spring Hill Golf Corse in Watsonville to check it out for the tournament.
Discussions about club officers serving a 2 year term with the 1st VP moving up to President after their term is up, this would move other officers up with the other club officers. The club president may appoint nominating committee to nominate and explain the duties of the various officers.
Lion John Smith and Lion Al Knox have volunteered for a couple of the offices. Lion Jill is stepping down from her directorship. The list of new officer needs to be into LCI by April 15, 2022.
Good of the Order –
Two new club banners have been ordered for the club at a cost of $324 and will be delivered in 3-4 weeks.
Name badges for club members that do not have one will be ordered. They cost six dollars each.
Lion Leslye plans on having a Zoom Linus Project on the last Saturday of February. Lion Claire has two schools which will participate. Project Linus has a budget of $600 dollars.
Lion Joan said that she is still having a problem with Bernard the mole and is seeking suggestions on how to get rid of him.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Steve won.