A.M. Meeting Minutes 8/31/2017



Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Herb, John Noone , Kent, Walt and Charlie.

Guests – None

Dates to Remember –

PM meeting Wednesday September 6th, 6:30 PM at Tony & Alba’s.

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Herb went around collecting Happy Dollars for Lion John giving up his home for staging the Ride4Diabetes. There were a lot of “Sad Dollars” learning that this was Lion Walt’s last meeting and he will be leaving the club. Lion Walt you are a great person and it is really sad to see you depart but remember we are always here for you and family.

Ride4Diabetes – Lion Kent said he wanted to set up a google doc like Lion Carl does for the crab feed to get feedback on the Ride4Diabetes. Lion John said the accident form had been filled out by one of our SAG nurses for the injured bike rider. Lion Kent went to visit him and took him a card and flowers in the hospital and said he would be released from the hospital in a couple of days. The rider has a couple of broken ribs and a cast on his arm. Next on the list is to get all the items we borrowed back to those individuals and to get get all the other materials back to storage. Everyone was asking about Lion John Kolski making sure he was okay since we have not seen him in a couple of weeks. Lion Kent said we might pick up a couple of new members from the bike ride. Hopefully final numbers will be done in a couple of weeks.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray said we need to concentrate on selecting a place for the Crab Feed since Saint Michaels is no longer available. Lion Ray said he will contact Tony at De Anza College to see about their facility for the crab feed.

There was a discussion about donating to the flood victims of hurricane/tropical storm Harvey. Lion Al said it would have to be brought up to the board for approval.

Lion Eli said we need a couple of volunteers to help out delivering tables, chairs, and pop up tents to Omar’s Dream Run on October 15th since he and several other of the Lion’s that usually volunteer for it will be away at that time.

Lion Dagi said her and Lion John Noone are getting ready to release the new version of our club website. Lion Dagi said she will send out a notice to the club
members so we can look at it and send them any comments on the new site.


Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Phil won the opportunity drawing.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn