A.M. Meeting Minutes, 5/12/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Bill, Al, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Herb, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie.

Dates to Remember

–      May 11th 14th, Lions District 4-C6 Convention, Woodlake Red Lion, 500 Leisure Ln, Sacramento.

–      May 17th, 1:30 pm, Flag Day at Sutter School, 3200 Forbes Ave, Santa Clara

–      May 17th, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting, TBD

–      May 17th – 18th, Buchser Middle School Career Day, 1111 Bellomy St, Santa Clara

–      May 27th 28th, Annual Maintenance, Camp Via West, 13851 Stevens Canyon Rd, Cupertino

–      June 3rd, 10:15 am, Hughes Elementary School, 3rd Grade Picnic, Fairway Glen Park, at the intersection of Calle De Primavera/Avenida De Angelina in Santa Clara

–      June 18th, De Anza Lions Golf Fundraiser, Golf Club at Moffett Field, 934 Macon Rd, Moffett Field.

–      July 23rd, 11 am, Back Pack for Kids Assembly Day, San Martin Lions Hall, 12415 Murphy Ave, San Martin.

Tail Twister Happy Dollars were given for the success of our sports teams: Giants, Warriors, Sharks, and for the return of Lion Charlie. Welcome back, Lion Charlie.

Golf Tournament – WE STILL NEED GOLFERS AND TEE SPONSORS. We have 10 Tee sponsors and could use another 10. Lion Eli says we have around 60 paid or pledged golfers and need at least another 20-25. Vallco has come in with a Silver sponsorship and the Fimbys with a Bronze. We sent out a flier to all the other clubs in District 4-C6 and hopefully will bring in more golfers.

Lion Eli noted there were some concerns that need to be addressed:

1) Food & Beverage: When is the dinner menu going to be set? Who is running the beer tent? What are we doing with pizza? Who is contacting B.J’s and what are we asking for?

2) Scoring & Posting: Who is handling scoring and posting? Lion Dagi said she could help.

3) Award: Have they been ordered? Will there be 4 divisions?

4) Tee Sponsors: Lion Ron needs the names early as possible in order to make up the signs. Lion Eli agreed to send him the names of current sign-ups.

5) Lions Al, Eli, and John are coordinating golfers, and sponsors.

Lions John and Eli are in charge of setting up foursomes. We believe Lions Jill and Jen will work the 7th hole. Lion Al noted those working registration have not yet been confirmed, and we will probably need one more volunteer. Lion Kent is working to come up with Leo volunteers.

District 4-C6 Convention – Our voting delegates are Lions Al, Ray, Phil, and Walt. The plan is for them to be at the convention site, Woodlake Hotel, 500 Leisure Ln, Sacramento by 8:30 am this Saturday, May 14th, to cast their ballots.

Camp Via West – The annual maintenance work has been scheduled for May 27th and 28th at Camp Via. Work begins at 1:30 pm on Friday for power washing. The painting will begin on the 28th at 9:30 am. Bring rollers and trays for the painting. Let Lion Bill or Lion Ray know if you are willing to help.

Couriers for June Election – Volunteers are still needed as mid-day and evening couriers. Email Monique Herrera at the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters Monique.herrera@rov.sccgov.org if you are interested. For questions you can call her at 408-282-3284 or call Lion John Noone.

Each courier shift earns $65 for driver and $65 for partner. Only the driver is required to have training, but each trainee receives $10. A copy of the updated list of training dates is attached. When you signup please indicate that you are part of the De Anza Lions group so your pay can be put in a single check and go to our treasury.  Also let Lion John know so he can send in a composite list of everyone from our club.

Good of the Order

Buchser Career Day: The Buchser Middle School Career Day is on May 18th. Volunteers are needed to setup tables on the afternoon of May 17th and take down tables on May 18th. Please contact Lion Eli if you are willing to help.

Flag Day: Lion Mort reported there is a Flag Day presentation at Sutter School, 3200 Forbes Ave, Santa Clara, 1:30 pm, next Tuesday, May 17th. Let Lion Mort know if you would like to help out.

Hughes Elementary School Picnic: The annual school picnic will be on Friday, June 3rd at Fairway Park. The park is adjacent to Katherine Hughes Elementary School. Please be at the park by 10:15 am to help with setup. The picnic will begin at 11:30 am. We will again be serving hotdogs and lemonade. Lion Eli has confirmed there will be plenty of veggie dogs should you want one.

Dayton Golf Tournament: The Dayton Golf Tournament has been cancelled.

Roger Gould: Lion Al reported that Roger Gould, father of Jim Gould, is out of the hospital. Roger is a former long time member and president of our club. We wish him well with his recovery.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to our winner, Lion Ron.

Lion Walt
