A.M. Meeting Minutes, 3/3/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Steve, Bill, Don, Al, Mort, Eli, Herb, Kent, John N, Ron, and Charlie.

Visitors: 1st Vice District Governor Barbara Chamberlain

Dates to Remember

–      March 15th, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting, Knox home, 217 N. Milton Ave, Campbell

–      March 19th, 5:30 pm, Charter Night, Blue Pheasant, 22100 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino

–      April 7th, 6:30 pm, Project Linus, Odd Fellows Hall, 20589 Homestead Rd, Cupertino.

–      April 30th, 8 am, Fish-A-Thon, Stevens Creek Quarry, 12100 Stevens Canyon Road.

–      May 18th, Buchser Middle School Career Day, 1111 Bellomy St, Santa Clara

–      June 11th, Dayton Lions Charity Golf Fundraiser, contact Lion Eli for details.

–      June 18th, De Anza Lions Golf Fundraiser, Golf Club at Moffett Field, 934 Macon Rd, Moffett Field.

Tail Twister Lion Herb kept busy collecting many Happy Dollars. Most notable were those for our Distinguished Visitor, 1st VDG Barbara Chamberlain; Lion Steve’s new “Train Set”; and a very successful PM meeting Wednesday night.

1st VDG Barbara Chamberlain

The Silicon Valley Global Lions Club is being run by disabled adults. The club is doing community service work but needs help with skilled officer jobs like treasurer.

The average age of Lions club members is continuing to increase. We need to look for ways to attract new members, especially younger members. Our PM club is a good example of one way to do that.

Clubs need to focus more on community service.

PM Meeting Review

There was a good turnout with lots of children. The meeting had two visitors: Lion John from Mountain View Silicon Valley and 1st VDG Barbara Chamberlain. Lion Amy spoke on the Golf Tournament. Please see section below on Golf Tournament and attached copy of her Moffett Strategy Meeting Notes.

Charter Night

Lion Mort is in charge of decorations. It will be a St Patrick’s theme. Please contact her if you would like to help out.

It is not too late to sign up. Just contact Lion Ray. There are currently 48 members/friends plus children attending.

Lion John Smith has agreed to be our guest speaker. Several lions have been asked to give their take on our club.

Lion Charlie will be transporting the “Girls”, Charlotte and Marge.

3 Leos have signed on to look after the children.

Golf Tournament – Lion Eli

Lion John N is looking into putting our Tournament information on the District web page.

Parking may be a problem if Google busses are using the parking lot.

If you have been responsible for any of the Tournament operations in the past, please notify Lion Amy so she can include it on her flow chart.

Non Golfer Supervisors needed:

1) Oversee the operation of the beer tent.

2) Setting up and taking down all of the pop up tents.

3) Awards program

a. Scoring

b. Handing out of awards

c. Recognition of sponsors

Donations: Lion Steve says there has been no response to his request for help with the program. Please contact him if you are interested.

Credit Cards: Having the ability to accept credit cards would allow people to spend more money. Lion Al thinks Pay Pal offers the best deal. Lion Ray will check with a fellow member of the AJ Robinson program who may be able to offer some advise. Lion Eli thinks we should move on this positively.

Good of the Order

Board Meeting: We thank Lion Al for volunteering the use of his home for the March 15th meeting.

Project Linus: The event will be on April 7th at the Odd Fellows Hall. It will start at 6:30 pm rather than 7 pm as reported at last weeks AM meeting.

Lion Howie and Kathy: Lion Mort reported they have been moved to 2770 Moorpark Ave, San Jose. Visitors always welcomed. Lions Jeff and Scott are staying busy keeping up with their needs.

There will be a Guiding Lion Training Class this Saturday at the San Martin Lions Hall, San Martin from 9 am till 3 pm. The class is to train Lions on how to develop a new club or bring new lions into an existing club. DG Jan Miller needs a head count of those who will attend so she can order enough workbooks. Her email is janmiller2015@yahoo.com.

Student Speaker Contest: Lion Dagi reports that the Zone contest will be on Monday, March 14th, 6:30 pm at the County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters Office in Berger Auditorium, 1555 Berger Drive, San Jose. Our club level winner, Shankara Srikantan has been notified and hopefully will attend.

Our club received a Thank You card from the Lions Project for Canine Companions for Independence. We made a donation to their Annual Opportunity Drawing. The drawing will be held in September and the winner will receive $2,000. Results will be announced in their newsletter, “The Lions Share”.

Opportunity Drawing

Congratulations to our winner, Lion Charlie.

Lion Walt


Moffett Strategy Meeting Notes

February 23, 2016

  1. Food & beverage- Moffett has become very strict about this but I would like to continue to try to negotiate this. We have yet to be successful.

Beer- It is a MUST on the course, we all agree to this.  Last year Moffett charged us their price of the kegs plus 10% which paid for convenience (of it being at Moffett), cups & ice.  The total cost was $389.98.  We purchased 1 cheap keg and 1 higher end keg.  We will ask for being able to bring our own beer and give Moffett the 10% fee but if we have to buy the beer again this year (which is highly probable) we will get 2 cheap kegs.

Dinner- We need to accept that Moffett will NOT allow us to bring in outside food. There is a new kitchen crew so (fingers crossed) things could be better this year.  The feedback from the Thursday Golfers was that everything they have had there has been very good.  Amy will work with Jenni on the menu for this year.  Perhaps tri-tip or something from their regular menu?  The general thought was that quality matters and they need to know that.

Pizza- We want them to agree that this is ok- last year it was a sneak (they only allowed it for Leos) and it was a hassle to dispose of it off site.

  1. Carts- we pay for golfers at their rate. They need to have carts for 144 golfers with no additional cost to us

They only have enough for 120 golfers.  We will discuss if they have a way of getting more without a cost to us as we would like to be able to fill the course.

  1. They increased the fee by $5 & gave each golfer $5 to use in the pro shop. Do we want to ask for something different?

We had a lot of ideas here but we are not sure what they will do.

Pay for the pitchers of beer for each 4some?

Large gift certificate instead?

A few good prizes?

Betty waived this increase in the past. Is that possible?

  1. Prizes- all prizes need to be received prior to the day of the tournament.

We have been given 1 free round per 4some = 4 free rounds & they have given us markers & tees for our goody bags.  We would like these again and to get them prior to the packing party on Thursday.

  1. Security- hopefully we can have no list again.

Currently you only have to show an ID for the car driver and no list will be needed (YAY!!).  Both gates- Ellis & the Main gate are open 7 days a week.  Amy will work with Carl to update the map.

  1. Meeting date- when can interested people get together to have a formal meeting with Moffett.

4 of us will work together to find a date to meet with Moffett and discuss the items above.

  1. Other items that came up.
  • Forms- a few tweaks were suggested.  Al will work on organizing charities by categories and Amy will make the necessary changes and get them out ASAP.
  • Roles- we need to work on updating the roles.  Please email Amy what you do so that she can start updating things.
  • Awards- we need an awards table with all of the awards displayed so that golfers can see them and we need to give out awards early in the dinner before people start to leave.
  • Scoring- we need to do this ourselves this year like we have in the past.  Winning teams should get to take home their brackets.  We also need a scorekeeper that helps with the Awards (Claire?).
  • Do we have a sponsor board?
  • Amy will work to put last years’ pictures on google photos and get out to the club so that you can send them to your people when you invite them.
  • Flyer- Al made a flyer (per a Lion request). Amy will look it over and it will be sent out soon.
  • Mike Ringer- can he talk to Google about getting the course donated?
  • Somethings need to be fixed/updated on the website.  Amy will look into this.
  • We need a Pop-up take down crew- too many have been broken over the years.
  • Photos- can we set up a printer to print pictures that day for people to take?
  • We need a Beer Tent committee- set-up, staffing & take down.  Also, a truck should be out there so we can clean up as we go.