A.M. Meeting Minutes 3/31/2022

Lions in person: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Barbara, Don, Joan, Dagi, Steve, Leslye, Anne, John S., Bill R., Eli, Herb, Trevor, Kent, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– Cupertino Earth Day April 23rd
– Annual Golf Tournament Monday June 20, 2022
Spring Valley Golf Course, Milpitas 12:30 PM
– May 15th San Rafael Lions Vision Clinic
– May 28th – June 7th ROV Volunteers
– July 16th De Anza Lions ITC Party
– February 4, 2023 Lions Charity Crab feed

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb collected donations from club members for the beautiful weather we are having. Lion Don rolled the dice for his Birthday and rolled a seven so everyone had to pay a dollar. Then Lion John Smith rolled the dice for his Birthday and rolled a ten paying the tail twister eight dollars.

Cupertino Earth Day – The city of Cupertino earth day celebration will be on April 23rd from 11AM to 3 PM. We are looking at having a small project for the kids to do. Everything is going well. Lion Steve fixed the Lions tent and it is ready to go.

Golf Tournament – Lions Ray said Lion Claire set up a google sheet for volunteer sign ups. Some individuals said they could not sign up that the document would not let them. It was mentioned that individuals need to have a google account to be able to edit the information.

Lion John smith showed slides of a past San Rafael Lions eye clinic that is associated with the Pacific Eye Foundation and helped about three hundred individuals. They are going to have another eye clinic on May 15th and Lion John was asking for individuals to volunteer and go up to learn the process so that our club might hold one in the future.

Club Officers – Lion Al read the list of the 2022-2023 club officers for the second time at the AM meeting.

Good of the Order –

Lion Al said the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters (SCCROV) has scheduled our club for the Los Gatos Creek supply truck May 28th thru June 7th. He is waiting for further information on the courier requirements.
Lion Al said he is currently off the list serve and is not able to make changes or additions to it.
Lion Steve said the next crab feed is scheduled for February 4, 2023.
Lion Kent mentioned he talked with Dennis Whitaker and Dennis gave him a list of speakers that we might want to schedule for our meetings.
Lion Barbara said she tried to contact Lion Sudha concerning the the Ride 4 Diabetes but has been unsuccessful as she is out of country. The Ride will possibly be postponed until next year.
Lion Ray said the contract for the golf tournament has been signed and we will be playing at Spring Valley Golf club in Milpitas. The flyer for the golf tournament is being worked on, so now we need to start getting golfers and sponsors.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Dagi who won and gave her winnings to the club. Thank you Lion Dagi.

Lion Ron Ahearn