A.M. Meeting Minutes, 2/5/2015

Lions Present: – Ray, Walt, Phil, Steve, Bill, Don, Al, Herb, Kent, John N., and Ron.

Visitors: None

Dates to Remember

–  Feb 16th, 5:30 pm, Bingo, American Legion Hall, 2120 Walsh Ave, S.C., Lions     Jenny Erickson and Bill Reed.

–  Feb 17th, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting, Knox home, 217 N Milton Av, Campbell.

–  March 5th, 6:30 pm, Project Linus, Odd Fellows Hall, 20589 West Homestead Rd, Cup.

–  March 28th, Charter Night Dinner, Blue Pheasant Restaurant, 22100 Stevens Creek   Blvd, Cupertino

Tail Twister

–       Tail Twister Lion Herb went around the room collecting happy dollars. Several were given over the events of the Super Bowl.

Student Speaker Contest

–       Thursday, February 5th at Bellarmine Room of the Jesuit Retreat Center.

–       Volunteers are asked to show up between 6 and 6:15 pm.

–       Event will begin sharply at 7 pm.

–       Lion Don suggested we could hold it at the Odd Fellows Hall next year.

–       Contact Lion Walt for more info.

Project Linus

–       Save the date, March 5th at 6:30 pm.

–       Lion Leslye again in charge.

P.M. Meeting Review

2nd Vice District Governor Barbara Chamberlain and three others attended from the

Cabrillo Host club.

–       Golf tournament next year will be on June 13th at Moffett Field. A motion was made

and approved to raise the price of the golf tournament next year to $120 or $130 if not paid by deadline.

–       Crab Feed had 587 people paid. Income above budget. However expenses were higher

than normal. Cost of crab $13.50/lb. We had to pay for everything from Fish Market. May have only net around $14,000 total

Charter Night

–       Date will be March 28th

–       Blue Pheasant Restaurant

–       Same price and menu

–       Lion Pres Jeff and Lion John Smith will MC.

Good of the Order

–       Lion John Smith and Carmel are moving to Sonoma. House is for sale.

–       Both Lions Mort and Eli are on the mend. Lion Mort has pulled a muscle. We wish them a speedy recovery.

–       Lion Kent reported from the Cupertino City Council that they are losing money at the Blackberry Farm Golf Course and want to close it. Thinking of letting it return to a regional open space.

–       Share program card netted $104.80 last quarter.

–       Benevity program acquired $165 last quarter from Apple. This quarter have received $98.60 from Apple and Genentech.

–       Congratulations to Lion Ray for winning the opportunity drawing.

Lion Walt


Cupertino DeAnza Lions