A.M. meeting minutes for 10/1/2020

Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. Lions Club of DeAnza Corporation AM ZOOM Meeting Minutes 10/1/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ron, Al, Steve, Eli, Mort, Kent, Joan, Leslye, Phil, Don, Dagi, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– PM Zoom Meeting October 7, 2020 @ 6:30 PM Canine Companions will be participating
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
Camp Via West – Lion Joan said that Rick moved the trucks/vans so that we could unload the compost when we need to. Lion Joan said that the City of Cu- pertino compost site would close at the end of October so we need to get the compost before then. Lion Joan said she ordered a new four foot tube bender for the hoops which we need another thirty hoops for the garden. We also need to start the fall/winter planting of vegetables in the green house. Lion Joan asked if anyone had plastic 1 Gal. Planting pots that we could use in the green house, we could use about seventy of them. Lion Dagi said we have harvested about fifty bags of greens so far and a few squash donated to West Valley Community Ser- vices. Lion Joan and Dagi asked for more naming ideas for our garden so we can make stickers for the bags of vegetables we donate so that the recipients know who is donating them, so send any ideas for the name of our garden to Lion Joan or Lion Dagi. There was a discussion about creating a flyer for our website and to hand out with our donations so that individuals know what our goals are and what organizations we support. Lion Al said he would help making a flyer along withLion Leslye, Lion Dagi and Lion Joan. Lion Joan and Lion Leslye talked about giving a 3-6 minute presentation to the PM club member so they can visu- ally see what we are doing in the garden area at Camp Via West. Lion Joan said she would talk to Lion Prez Jeff to see if he would put it on the agenda for the October 7th PM meeting. Lion Steve talked with Rick the Camp manager about installing a train set in one of the buildings for the children to have. Lion Steve said it would cost around $2,500 – $3,000 dollars to get the train set and install it. There was a discussion whether the money could be better used for other projects. There was a suggestion that we set up a Go Fund Me page for the train setup so we would not use any of our Charity funds for this project.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Al said we have everything covered that we were asked for by the ROV except the third team shift in the afternoon. Lion Al said he would send out the training schedule to the individuals who volunteered so they can pick what training session they would like to attend via ZOOM.
Project Linus – Lion Leslye said Project Linus was a great success. She said she has received 113 out of the 117 blankets that were made and is trying to fig- ure out where the other four are. Lion Leslye said the Lions made 57 blankets and Lion Claire’s girl scouts and school made the other 60. Thank everyone for all their effort in supporting this good cause. Lion Leslye said she sent out a sur- vey to participants for their feedback.
Good of the Order –
Lion Kent wanted to give a shout out to Lion Dagi for her help with the Monta Vista Leo’s.
Opportunity Drawing – None
Respectfully submitted by: Lion Ron Ahearn