A.M. meeting minutes for 9/24/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Al, Steve, Eli, Mort, John S., Joan, Leslye, Herb, Phil, Bill, and Dagi.
Dates to Remember –
– PM Zoom Meeting October 7, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
Canine Companions will be participating
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
Camp Via West – Lion Joan said the planting of fall vegetables has started. All of the hoops and bird netting has been put up. Lion Joan said she will talk to Rick to see if he can adjust the water flow for the ground planting area. Lion Joan said she wanted to thank PM Lions Danessa and Sashi for helping out. Lion Joan talked about getting more compost from the city of Cupertino. Lion Eli said he would be available so they set it up for October 9th at 10 AM. Lion Ray to contact Lion Jeff to see if we might be able to borrow his truck for the day. Joan and Dagi said we need to come up with a name for the garden so that when we donate the food the people know who is donating it. Lion Steve said he went to the camp to talk with Rick to see if we can set up a train set for the kids. Lion Steve and Bill said it is doable and they will discuss it further with Rick.
Registrar of Voters – Lion Al said he will send out an email to our Lion volunteers so they can see the updates. Lion Al said he talked with Angelina at the Registrar of Voters (ROV) and she said that she could use more volunteers. Lion Al will see if we can come up with a couple more volunteers.
Project Linus – Lion Leslye said Project Linus was a great success. She said it started on time and went for two hours. She said she had received thirty blankets already but needs the other eighty by September 30th. Project Linus created 117 blankets and the majority of them will go to the fire victims in northern California.
R4D – Lion Al said he has been working with the City of Cupertino concerning the $10,000 dollar grant they provided us for the bike ride that was cancelled due to the coronavirus. The City has rejected our responses so far and said if they allow us to keep the grant the ride would have to take place before June 30, 2021. Lion Al said he has been working with Lion Suda and Lion Sashi to provide the answers to the questions the city is asking.
Food Drive – Lion Ray said he would contact Lion Jeff and Lion Jennifer Erickson to see if they can contact the different organizations we provide the food to see if they will accept it and will they be able to distribute the food once they receive it. Lion Don said that at this time the Odd Fellows Hall is not available due to the Coronavirus county guidelines.
Good of the Order –
Lion Steve said he was supposed to take Maria to her eye appointment in San Francisco but she was ill and it had to be postponed.
Lion John Smith gave us an update on Carmel. She is doing fine but is battling with the pain results of the radiation. All of her treatments are completed for now and will be getting a PET scan in six weeks. Carmel had a second opinion from Stanford and they agreed with the treatment that Kaiser was doing. Once they move to the South Bay Carmel would be able to participate in a drug trial by Stanford for genetic drugs.
Lion Joan said that the City of Cupertino was going to move the homeless encampment on Wolfe Road.
Lion Dagi said she took down the notice of the Canine Companion golf tournament from our web site. Lion Dagi said she would.
Lion Al said he would check with Lion Carl to see when the Go Fund Me page will be closed so he can report the final numbers for the golf tournament donations.
Just a reminder that Canine Companions will be participating in the October 7th PM meeting. A handler will be talking about the program and will have a couple of dogs with her.
Lion Ray asked Lion Al to send our donation check to the AJ Robinson foundation.
Opportunity Drawing – None
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn