Board Meeting Minutes: September 2020
Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 15 SEPTEMBER 2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members in Attendance: Jill, Jeff, Al, Leslye, Eli, Jen,
Guests Call to Order – lion jeff at 6:34
1) August Minutes Approval: Jeff motions, Leslye seconds, unanimous approval.
2) Member Status: Charles Ice: We received a letter stating that someday he plans to return to Lions, but does not know when. He would accept the Privileged Status as we offered. Lion Al makes the motion that we bestow on Lion Charles for one year and pay his dues as a privileged member. Lion Eli seconds the motion. Motion by Lion Al Knox. Whereas: Lion Charles Ice has recently become inactive because of personal reasons. Whereas: Lion Charles Ice has provided the Cupertino DeAnza Lions Club with over fifteen years of valuable service. Whereas: The Board of Directors of the Cupertino DeAnza Lions Club wish to bestow unpaid Privileged Membership for one year beginning October 1, 2020 and terminating September 30, 2021. Resolved: The Board of Directors do hereby authorize the Treasurer to pay the LCI, MD4 and 4C6 dues of Lion Charles Ice for the aforementioned period. Unanimously approved.
3) District 4c-6 Highlights: we were early adopters for the Zoom format and continuing to make efforts to support our charities.
4) MJF 2020-21; Note from Lion Sue, District Coordinator We have several MJF, 12 to be exact, to give to members. They are encouraging us to move forward and name these in the near future. Our plan was to donate to Campaign 100 and have already achieved the level we were looking for, even though LCIF has extended this to 2022.
5) 2020 Election Volunteering: we have submitted our volunteer slots as per the deadline. There were some unfilled positions, as Team 3 is open on the 2nd and 3rd, and Team 2 is open on the 31st and 1st in the afternoon. We do have 20 lines filled, which is about 8-10 people that are volunteering. Eli suggests that we put the magnetic signs on our cars, if possible, as we volunteer. *Note: we should find more of those signs for any of our activities. Jeff will explore.
6) Perpetual Fund Update: the transaction is complete and the account is functioning. We are ready to receive stock or cash or check at this point. Thank you, Al. Eli suggests there is a presentation to the club about this possibility of a stock donation, in lieu of cash or check. We also need to decide, as a board, how we manage this investment. It is brought up that we had discussed this as just being a way for people to donate stock. We need to go back and look at the minutes of our past discussions about the topic. It is not sitting in an interest free account.
Al makes a motion that we turn the stock investment from Lion Steve into cash, pending approval by the board of the auxiliary fees. Seconded by Leslye. Discussion about putting our perpetual fund monies that are stocks into a varied type of account where it could earn interest or grow faster. This motion is around one stock that was gifted and is now motioned to sell. Motion passes unanimously.
7) Good of the Pride:
Al sent a report to the City of Cupertino about Ride for Diabetes, asking them to continue to grant to the current fiscal year. Right now, Lion Sudha and Lion Al are authorized on the account. We still might have to return the $10,000.00 dollars if we don’t have a ride by next June.
The new bylaws require an audit of the treasurer’s office at the end of the fiscal year. Lion Al will prepare a document on the steps that need to be taken by a 3-person committee to audit this fiscal year. The committee members do not have to be board members.
Leo Advisors and Training: Jeff’s understanding is that Thelma was going to touch base with Liang, Sudha, and Kent about it. Jeff will follow up.
October 7th PM Meeting: Canine Companions will be our guest speaker for a 15-20 minute presentation.
Lion Al taking over the entering of our reporting the events and donations to LCI from Jill.
Adjourned: 7:18.