A.M. Zoom meeting minutes for 9/10/2020


Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, John Smith, Steve, Eli, Mort, Al, Joan, Herb, Don, Phil, and Dagi.

Dates to Remember –

– Board Zoom Meeting September 15, 2020 6:30 P.M.
– Project Linus Zoom Blanketeering September 19th 10am-noon
– PM Zoom Meeting October 7, 2020 @ 6:30 PM
– Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
– Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said she had talked with Rick (Camp Director) and that he had purchased the materials for the hoops to be made for the vegetable garden. Lion’s Joan and Dagi went to the camp on Wednesday and transplanted some of the vegetables, they also harvested some mustard greens and squash that Lion Joan took to West Valley Community Services. Lion Steve said he had tried to contact Lion Bill Reed but was not able to contact him. Lion Ray said he had contacted Lion Bill and everything is okay and that Lion Bill was busy with remodeling his rental apartments. Lion Joan will talk with Camp Director Rick and set up a date for Lion Steve and Lion Bill to talk with him concerning setting up a model railroad in one of the buildings for the kids.

Golf Tournament – Lion Al said at this time we have received $8,093 dollars in golf donations. We want to thank Lion Jenni and Lion Carl for setting up this event and Lion Al for tracking all the donations.

Registrar of Voters – Lion Ray will send out the sign up sheet for different volunteer opportunities. Lion Al has sent the current signup sheet into the SCROV so they know where we are on filling up the spots available.

Project Linus – Lion Leslye said she had purchased the 77 pieces of fleece for Project Linus. Lion Leslye said that Lion Claire has so many volunteers that she needs to go and purchase another 30 pieces of fleece. Lion Leslye said the packets are ready for pickup after 10 AM on this Saturday the 12th of September.

Food Drive – Discussions were held about what we could do pending the Covid19 restrictions. Lion Ray said he would contact Lion Jeff and Lion Jen Smith to see if they can contact the charities we support with the food drive and see if they can accept and deliver the food we provide them.

Good of the Order –

Lion Al said that the Perpetual fund has been set up with Charles Schwab and he will send that information to whomever wants to donate to the fund. Lion Steve donated 525 shares of HP stock to the fund. The Board will discuss when to sell the stock at their next meeting.

Lion Leslye said she tried contacting Lion Linda Sanders to see how she was doing after her surgery and when she will be sent home but was not able to reach her at this time. Lion Leslye said she would ask Lion Claire to send out the signup sheet once they get the date of when she is coming home. They will also find out if she has any dietary restrictions.

Lion Dagi mentioned that her friend Jane who always helps us at the crab feed lost her 97 year old mother to old age about 10 days earlier.

Opportunity Drawing – None

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn