Board Minutes: August 2020

Regular Board Meeting: 6:30pm, 18 AUGUST 2020
Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill

Board Members: Jeff, Al, Leslye, Eli, Vijay, Jenn, Sudha, Claire
Call to Order – Lion Jeff 6:34
July Minutes Approval: revised to show Sudha as the Lynbrook Leo Advisor. Approved.
Update: Golf Virtual Fundraiser. $5,300-5,500 pending, even though the deadline passed, the funds are still coming in. Al will send the total out to the club soon.
Chartered! Lynbrook High School Leos Club; training for advisors, next steps. Sudha will talk to Kent and/or Liang for help in the advisor role, and all three of the advisors have to be certified with the Youth Protection Agency. Jeff will send the advisors this information.
Member Status: Charles Ice wants to step away from the club, been a member for 15 years, and has served as a board member, and worked hard for the club. We are saddened at the loss of Charles’ membership. Will cost less than $100 dollars to keep him as a privileged member for four quarters. He can still get awards, even if he has resigned in good standing. Should we check with Charles as to what he would prefer?
District 4c-6 Installation and First Cabinet Meeting Highlights:
Ken Ibarra presided over the introductions and installations in a kind and powerful way.
Our Lion President Jeff Ludlum was installed at this time.
“Kindness” was a theme throughout.
Leo clubs were announced and all three of ours were represented.
Honored 21 Lions who passed away.
Past DG Rick Silveira did a whole bunch of awards to many clubs.
District wants to encourage the club’s secretary to update LCI with events.
Then, the cabinet meeting followed. Leslye observed they are a tight knit group of leaders with clear ideas and goals. Our district has risen to the challenge of this difficult time.
Good of the Pride, Lion
Omar’s Dream Run: Virtual run (Oct. 18-25). They will put out race packets: bib, tshirt, goody bag, and then you run a 5k or a 10k between those dates and post run pics on #omarsdreamrun2020, tag Omar’s Dream Run Foundation. Registration will continue to be $35.00. More details go to Motion made by Lion Al to donate. $250.00 to Omar’s Dream Foundation Virtual Run. Passed unanimously. Discussion around an idea for a scholarship for those Lions that want to run.
Perpetual Fund: Al talked to an agent in Florida, but the process is moving along, and the new information has been sent to them, with more details about Al and Jeff.
Al sent the forms for name change and bylaws to the Attorney General. He has to deal with these agencies.
Sad news: Linda Sanders has pancreatic cancer and will have surgery soon. Leslye wants to set up a food sign up for her. She will be in the hospital for two weeks after the surgery and we likely can’t visit. We can send her some flowers and well-wishes while she is there.
Claire updated us on Carmel Smith’s cancer and she is staying strong and positive.