A.M. Meeting minutes for 7/30/2020


Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Herb, Eli, Joan, Dagi, Leslye, Don, Bill, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– PM Zoom Meeting August 5th 6:30 PM 2020/2021 Board
Annual Golf Tournament June 26, 2021
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021

TailTwister – Lion Herb took care of the tail twister duties.

Camp Via West – Lion Joan said she and other Lions had planted seeds in the outdoor garden area and now in the green house. Lion Joan and Lion Dagi went up on Tuesday and planted herb seeds in the green house. Lion Joan said Rick (Via West Manager) said he had hand watered the outdoor garden and would continue to do so until he gets the watering system regulated. Rick put the green house watering system on a timer for twice a day. Lion Joan and other Lions will go to the Cupertino compost area on Friday and get two loads of compost and take them to Via West for the garden areas.

Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said hadn’t talked to the golf tournament coordinator at Moffett Field but try again today to clarify about payment of the number of golfers. Lion Ray said if can not contact the tournament manager he will contact the course manager. Lion Al said at this time he has donations from Lion’s of $1925 and $1388 from Non-Lions. Lion Al has been in contact with Lion’s Jeff, Carl, and Jenni about the Go Fund Me Page and found out that Go Fund Me is the 501c-3 for Pay Pal.

Good of the Order –

Lion Dagi said she was taking Maria to the Lions eye clinic this Friday so she would not be able to help at Camp Via West.

Lion Joan said she had talked to Lion Prez Jeff and she agreed to help write a news letter that we would provide to Lion District Governor Linda.

Lion Leslye said that the Ronald McDonald House will no longer accept the aluminum tabs that we have been collecting for them.

Lion Ron and Lion Ray delivered the check to the Fisher House and got the correct address for next time. The manager of the Fisher said she would get backwash me if there was any problem cashing the check since it was made out to the Fisher House Foundation she was not sure she would be able to cash it.

Lion Ray talked with the Optometrist office at Kaiser about putting an eyeglass box in their area and they said okay. They will call Lion Ray when the glasses need to be picked up.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn