A.M. Meeting minutes for 6/18/2020
Lions Present at Zoom Video Conference: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Steve, Al, Eli, Mort, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Dagi, Linda, Don, and Bill.
Dates to Remember – All Events Have Been Postponed or Cancelled Until Further Notice Due to the Coronavirus Guidelines.
– Budget Meeting June 27th at Lion Al’s or via Zoom at 1 PM
– PM meeting August 5, 2020 at 6:30 via Zoom
Annual Golf Tournament August 29, 2020 ?
Ride4Diabetes will be scheduled in 2021
TailTwister – Lion Herb went around the screen and collected donations. Lion Steve’s Birthday is Sunday and he sent a check in to Lion Al for the Perpetual fund.
Camp Via West – Lion Joan and Lion Ray met with Rick at Camp Via West and talked to him about the Green House and evaluate the Green House. Lion Joan said that it needs some cleanup but overall it is good shape. Lion Joan said she would set up a schedule for volunteers to help with the green house if everything goes well. Lion Joan did say that it would be helpful if it had a sink in the green house to which Lion Steve said he had one he would donate. Lion Joan said she would send out a memo about this effort to the entire club. Lion Joan and Lion Ray talked with Rick about installing a train set at the camp, he said he would consider putting one in but not in the dining hall. After discussions they want something that is portable and Lion Steve said he did not think that was possible.
A portable layouts means that it is portable and has to be set up, torn down, and put away. You need somebody that knows how to do that. Not sure if Rick understands that. That is the reason for a permanent layout, that is up high and out of reach of the kids. The train can be controlled by kids for on-off, speed and the whistle . All that has be done is maintenance.
In the past Camp Via (Before Rick) said no because of liability reasons.
Golf Tournament – Lion Ray said he contacted the General Manager to see what the situation was with Moffett Field Golf course. The general manager said it will reopen today to limited golfers. Lion Ray said if we had the tournament there would be no food or auctions and he felt that it was an 80 to 20 percent chance that we would not be able to have the tournament. We are looking at sending out a letter to all of our past golf participants to see if they would like to donate some money to the charity fund in lieu of playing in the tournament. Lion Dagi said she would put it on the club’s website.
Budget Meeting – Lion Al Said the Budget Meeting will be held in his garage which can hold about 12 individuals with social distancing. He said that he would try and set up a big screen in the garage or you can also attend via Zoom meeting which Lion Prez Jeff will set up and send a notification out to the club. If you have a charity you would like to fund/support please send a write up and dollar amount to Lion Al so he can present it to the Board and club. Lion Al said he would send out a copy of the budget sheet to club members so they can review it.
Perpetual Fund – Lion Al met with a financial advisor via Zoom at Charles Schwab and he got the guidelines/form (22 pages) for setting up the account. Lion Al said that their normal fund has to be a minimum of $250,000 but since he has an account there they would wave that requirement.
Good of the Order – Lion Al said to change our clubs name is a real process from submitting it to the CA. Secretary of State, the IRS, LCI and others. Thank you Lion Al for all the hard work.
Lion Al Said that LCIF has a program called Campaign 100 which ends 6/30/2021. Lion Al said we have donated to this campaign over the last couple of years. Campaign 100 will span three years and seek to raise $300 million dollars by June 30, 2021, it will require participation from all Lions and clubs worldwide. Exciting individual and club recognition programs are in place to reward those who meet the call.
Lion Leslye said she will be calling Canine Companions to see what their status is as far as graduation ceremonies. As of 2018, it has placed over 6,000 assistance dogs with recipients at no charge.
Respectfully submitted by: Lion Ron Ahearn