Board Meeting Minutes: February 2020
Call to order at 1834 Hours (6:34 PM) by Lion Prez Jeff
Lion Al seated as Secretary Pro-tem.
Lion Board Members Present: Lions Jeff, Charles, Jen, Claire, Vijay and Al. (Quorum)
Lion Guests: Lion Kent.
Minutes of the previous meeting approved by unanimous consent.
Motion by Lion President Jeff
Moved: we accept the date suggested by the Crab Feed Committee for the fiscal year 2020-2021 Annual Charity Crab Feed and Auction as January 30th, 2021.
After discussion the motion passed unanimously. The date for the 2020-2021 Annual Charity Crab Feed and Auction is January 30th, 2021.
Motion by Lion Al Knox
Whereas: Lion Kent as a member of the 6th Bomb Group Association, a veteran’s association, including senior members who served in WWII, has requested the Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. to assist in providing custody of funds being solicited for the establishment of a web site to house WWII memorabilia.
Whereas: DeAnza Lions sole responsibility will be to restrict those donations to the creation of a web site and the establishing of 501c3 status for their association. The fund must be monitored to show there is no personal benefit or monetary enrichment to any individual.
Whereas: DeAnza Lions have formerly provided this type of service for Omar’s Dream Foundation where in their desire to provide electronic equipment to student patients in hospitals was a timely need.
Whereas: This opportunity is also timely in order to preserve and make available to students and the general public seventy-five years of WWII history.
Moved: That the Cupertino DeAnza Lions Charities, Inc. immediately provide the necessary custody and monitored disbursements of the 6th Bomb Group Association funds raised for the creation of their 501c3 status, preservation and public access to WWII letters and memorabilia.
Vote duly taken: five (5) Aye and one (1) Nay, motion passed.
Discussions: A discussion was held regarding the upcoming fiscal year Board of Directors. Currently two Board Members have indicated a desire to resign effective 6/30/2020. If you have a desire to join the Board please contact Lion President Jeff, Lion Secretary Jill or any Board member.
A brief discussion was held regarding Ride 4 Diabetes 2020. A September 2020 date is anticipated, it is not too soon to involve the Board in this effort.
Meeting adjourned at 1948 Hours (7:48 PM)