A.M. Meeting Minutes for 2/6/2020

Lions Present: Lion’s Al, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Dagi, Mort, Eli, Herb, Kent, Leslye, Linda, Joan, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

February 8th, 2020 Crab Feed Saint Lawrence Church
Charter Night March 14, 2020 at the Blue Pheasant
Restaurant in Cupertino.
Odd Fellows annual Pancake Breakfast March 14, 2020
June 20, 2020 Annual Golf Tournament at Moffett Field

Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb went around and collected happy dollars, for the the AT&T golf tournament. Lion Mort gave a happy dollar for Lion Carl Erickson’s parents arriving today to help out with the Crab Feed.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Dagi said at this time we have no speakers and had to cancel the Student Speaker contest. Lion Joan said that the Cupertino Host club also gets speakers from the same High Schools that we try and recruit from and they only got one speaker. Lion Dagi and Lion Joan are trying to find out what the issue was that no speakers volunteered.

Crab Feed – Lion Al said the first seating is virtually (435) sold out and we have tickets available for the second seating (75). Everyone agreed what an amazing job Lion’s Carl and Jenni are doing. Lion Joan said she talked with Mission Trails Recyclers and they said that we could put our compostables in the the yard waste recycle bin. Lion Steve said that we are paying the same amount for our wine that we did last year. Lion Dagi said that she has several syrup dispensers that she will bring for try out at the second seating. Lion Linda said her table would try them out. Lion Joan said she had talked with Saint Lawrence Church about their Annual Crab feed. Lion Joan said that the Church will not have one this year because of our Crab Feed their turnout went down.

Good of the Order – Lion Ron read two Thank You letters one from Rebekah Children Services and one from the City of Hope.

Opportunity Drawing – No drawing this week.

Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn