A.M. Meeting Minutes for 11/21/2019
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Al, Dagi, Bill, Mort, Eli, Herb, Leslye, Joan, Linda, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember:
November 23-25 Thanksgiving Food Drive
Wreaths Across America Saturday December 14, 2019
February 8th Crab Feed Saint Lawrence Church
June 20, 2020 Annual Golf Tournament at Moffett Field
Visitor – None
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb went around and collected happy dollars for the 49ers. Lion Herb said he was happy to see all the Lady Lions (5) present at the AM meeting. Lions gave Happy dollars for the upcoming Thanksgiving Day food Drive. Lion Linda rolled the dice for her Birthday and rolled a five donating $4 to the tail twister fund. Lion Mort gave a happy dollar for the Blue Bells practice for the upcoming Christmas Party.
Food Drive- Lion Ray said he and Lion Mike Martin will pick up the refer truck on Friday at 5 PM depending on availability. A storage run for the food drive will be made on Friday at 10 AM to pick up items for the food drive. Lion Ray said he would pick up the food boxes from Lion Leslye’s home and take them to the Odd Fellows Hall Friday at about 6 PM. Lion Ray said he talked with Home Depot about borrowing to flat bed carts to use for the food drive, he will pick them up Saturday morning. Lion Ray said the Lion Jen wanted us to pick up the plastic grocery bags from storage to put the frozen turkeys in.Lion Ray asked Lion Steve for the locks and keys for the refer truck, Lion Steve said he would get two of them for Lion Ray. Monday morning food distribution at the Odd Fellows Hall will start at 6:30 AM and we need to be done by 9 AM.
Perpetual Fund – Discussions about the Perpetual Fund is ongoing. Lion Al said Lion Prez Jeff talked with his Fidelity Fund Advisor about our perpetual fund and said further discussions need to take place.
Good of the Order – Lion Al mentioned there things brought up at the Board Meeting :
With Lion Andrea moving to San Diego we will need a new Board member.
Lion Al said we donated some money out of our discretionary fund to another school in India.
Discussed the Perpetual Fund.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Mort won.
Respectfully submitted by:
Lion Ron Ahearn