Board Minutes: April 2019


Regular Board Meeting: 6:30 pm Tue., 16 April 2019

Location: Lion Andrea’s Casa (New locale this month, THANK YOU, Lion Andrea!)
1052 Tuscany Place, Cupertino, CA 95014
Telephone # (Just in case!): 408-446-1308

Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill or Proxy
Meeting begins at 6:45

Board Members: Jeff, Charles, Jill, Ray, Andrea, Vijay
Lions: Al

Fiscal Review, Charities, Admin (501c3, 501c7): both clubs are viable and taxes (that we don’t owe) are paid. Looks good and reconcilable. Will publish to the club in a week with Board minutes.
District 4c-6 Convention 2019 Update: Saturday May 18th is the voting day. Al will take care of the forms. Ellen and Steve are registered to go. Al might be going by himself. We have four votes, but right now just two people going. This is in San Ramon. Ray will check his travel schedule. Jeff will send out one more email.
Charity Golf 2019 Update:We need one more captain for the Red, White, and Blue. We still need golfers and tee sponsors. Pat Coppe and R and B Construction/West Valley are sponsors. We also need raffle items. We have dropped off with tee sponsors in the last few years. Tee sponsors and golfers should really be the focus. Claire will redo the Silent Auction sheet to make it more manageable. Eli has a line on a golfing supply company that might donate items based on our number of golfers. Idea is to give any tee sponsor an automatic “best deal in town”.
Club Leadership 2019/2020 Submitted: Jill submitted the list. The installation will be on July 13th at the Golf/Tailtwister party.

Ride 4 Diabetes 2.0: Postponed to September 2019 for Actions Needed
There are new things to consider that haven’t been taken care of for the new proposed date. The three board requirements are: a member of the committee comes to the board to give an update, that we are staying in the budget, and that the name of the Cupertino DAL is included. At this time, we have the name confirmed. There are a number of fiscal responsibilities that need to be taken care of, per an email by Vijay. Andrea is updating us at this time. Joan contacted 18 riders, and 11 sponsors. Joan contacted the riders but Andrea needs a list of who actually got the money back.
Andrea says she need the list of the sponsors who said we could carry over the money. We want to continue to get updates from a representative at the board meeting. Lion Al suggests that the Ride committee use the list serves, and emailing the treasurer, to give the club updates and to ask budgetary questions from the treasurer.

Next Event, Recent Events and Club Approach
Cupertino Volunteer Fair, 11 AM to 3 PM, Sun. 5 May, Cupertino City Hall : Volunteer ideas to give out on this day. Andrea is asking the Ride committee to come. Camp Via is end of May and Golf Tourney Volunteers are needed.
Project Linus, Thu. 28 March, Odd Fellows Hall.
Whittaker Community Gathering, Sun. 31 March.
Cupertino Earth Day Event, Sat. 13 April.

7. By-Laws Review, Update:

Name Change: Cupertino De Anza Lions Club (will be the name for the corporation) Claire makes the motion, seconded by Ray. Unanimously passed.

Term Changes and Club Roles are the two other potentially important changes: these are both things that we can discuss next meeting. Previously, we decided not to use all the board positions because some of the nomenclature isn’t something we do. We will look at it ahead of the next meeting and decide. Then, whatever changes we may propose to the bylaws will go to the club.

Good of the Pride:
People who get inducted may want to read the installation/induction words ahead of time.
Ray and Ron drove the AJ Robinson Van to Gilroy, and Lion Leslye and Lion Joan helped pick up Ray at ungodly hours ( thank you so much!)
Andrea has an objection to the fact that we have lost some board members and gained some new ones that don’t have as much experience. She would like to have a full board, rather than a briefer one. She would like Charles to stay for example. Al has an opposing view and appreciates term limits to encourage flexibility and efficiency. Al has experience with all different sizes of boards. It is addressed in the bylaws as allowing that if we don’t have a quorum, we do let someone who is in attendance and in good standing can vote. The board’s responsibility is to provide resources and guidance to committees and their chairs. Claire’s input is that many boards have a range of how many board members. The discussion could be around a range, as long as it’s an odd number.

Adjourned: at 8:00.

Independent Fiscal Review, Charities (501c-3) and Corporation (501c-7)