Board Meeting Minutes: October 2018

Regular Board Meeting: 6:30 pm Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Location: Casa Caveripakkam
10288 Richwood Drive, Cupertino

Meeting Called By: Lion Jeff Type of Meeting: Business Secretary: Lion Jill
Board Members: Jeff, Andrea, CArl, Charles, Jill, Vijay
DAL guests: Steve, Kent, Mort


Welcome New Board Members! Andrea Harris and Jen Smith

Rise Against Hunger Project 2018, District 4C-6 wide event, Club Contribution: November 10th packing life-saving food packets. Started from Sunnyvale Lions, Suzie De Unger, and then they get distributed around the world. It’s good for the community building, families can participate. Jeff makes a motion to contribute $250.00,from discretionary funds, as we did last year Andrea seconds the motion. Charles is concerned about the eco footprint that occurs, but these are starvation rations as Andrea points out.

In favor: 6 yes, one opposed. Motion passed.

3.. One Sight: Steve was wondering if we passed a motion to raise the budget for the eyeglass program. It has not been yet approved. The discussion is that it is quite worthwhile for all the people, diverse and many, that are asking about the program. The request is an additional $1000 that Steve needed from discretionary funds (so a total of $3000 for the program), on top of the $1000 we already spent from the budget, plus another $1000 already in the budget for the luxottica program for exams and glasses that is no longer happening. Steve said something about $500 on top of the Luxottica $1000 budgeted amount, then asked for $1500, which was both of those totalled, then Vijay realized that he only needed $1000 from the discretionary funds to get to the $3000 total he was requesting more folks from our area of Cupertino and Sunnyvale have been making requests Vijay makes a motion to allocate 1,000 for one sight from discretionary budget. Jeff has seconded the motion.

All in favor of this budget: unanimously approved.

*Discussion is that next year this program should be in the budget, which we always try to look back at, but we ask any Lion who supports a program to come to the budget meeting in the summer or communicate with a board member, just before, to get a program funded through the budget.

4. Financial Report: we are in good standing, Vijay has filed all the taxes and forms; and, Vijay and Al agreed on the outcomes of the budget. See the financials for specifics. One thing is membership dues that need to be paid.

5.Food Drive 2018: Jen updates that planning is going well, the scan code on the flyer and the volunteer form. Next week the club will see the sign up and all three stores will be on full donations. The Leos have already volunteered so Jen is going to look at their site and manage the crossover. For Monday, Mike and Al, the Fimbys are in for helping on Monday. Jeff will keep Jen updated for that. We may finish early at the stores on Sunday, since last year we had more than enough donations. Giant pumpkin boxes for turkeys are needed, the amount is unknown, so ask Jen or Claire for clarification.

6. Crab Feed 2019 The band from past years is not in, but we have some feelers out for another band. We will try to secure him earlier next year. Grateful Dads is one possibility (they played at the R4D). Steve has the flyer and will need to change it to “Music and Dancing” for now instead of the live band and band’s name. Can Vijay resend the budget data from last year to the current board. Lion Steve has some questions about tickets. Kitchen issue-last year we ran out of hot water, but the dishwasher can be repaired if we pay them 3100.00. We can secure the location for the next 4 years, with a maintenance contract. But,it may not lock in the price of rental of the location. We authorize Steve to negotiate the proposal so we can get what we need. If Steve has a question or needs an adjustment in the proposal, he will send it to Vijay.

Side Note: Vijay will not be around for the beginning of 2019, baby on the way, Jeff will be added as a secondary signer and maybe that Lion Claire will be added if possible as signers.

7. R4D 2.1 Lion Kent: Most of the effort is on sponsorship and corporate teams with Kent leading that charge. Joan is taking over the route chair for John. Danessa will be working on event day details, with Joan backing her up on that. Dagi is working on marketing details (PR). $6100.00 as donations so far that doesn’t include registrations. But there are more not yet entered from October. VIjay reports that we have 9 riders, with two dropping out because of the new date. Kent will be moving into working on sponsorship next. The Chamber of Commerce wants to work with us because Diabetes is such a concern for Cupertino, as well as getting schools involved and the families of the city. The biggest issue for the ride committee is the language of “the majority of donations go to diabetes”. Kent said that he has been told that the wording will kill the event. Review discussion about why we have oversight this year for this event. The Board has pointed out the current language unnecessarily, and not agreed to be the board, restricts our our current and future donations and could be challenged from a legal standpoint for any spending we do on non-diabetes related causes which as we heard was ~60% of charitable expenditures. There is still those on the board that don’t believe that the wording of the ride must be 100% donations to Diabetes is necessary for it to be successful. We asked that Kent go back to the Ride committee to find a way to compromise from the “100% donations to ride is for Diabetes” to something that might be palatable to the board for further approval. AS of now the board has not voted on a change of language and they expect the ride committee representative to come to the board meeting next month with a compromise proposal at the latest, even better to send a proposal to Lion Jeff earlier, if the Ride committee comes up with a compromised language, and Jeff will send it to the board.

Meeting adjourned 8ish.