AM Meeting Minutes for 9/20/2018
Lions Present: Lion’s Al, Ron, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Mort, Eli, Herb, Kent, and Joan.
Dates to Remember –
– Thanksgiving Food Drive November 17, 18, and 19th.
– February 9, 2019 Crab Feed
– Ride4Diabetes May 5, 2019
Tail Twister – Lion Tail Twister Herb received a Sad Dollar from Lion Kent and a Happy dollar from Lion Eli for the passing of the Vallejo referendum from the city council. Lion Steve gave a happy dollar for the information from Lion Herb about the combustion engine.
Board Meeting Review – No review of the Board meeting since there were no members of the Board at the AM meeting. Lion Steve asked about the approval of the increase of the One Sight program and Lion Eli said he had heard from Lion Jill that the budget increase was approved.
Tail Twister Party Review – All Lions in attendance said it was the best Tail Twister party we have had in a longtime. Lion Eli and Lion Al were surprised by the Progressive Fellowship awards they were presented. Lion Eli said he did not even know the award existed and does not know anyone who has received one.It was also mentioned how great it was to have the new members who joined from the Ride4Diabetes at the party. Lion Herb looking for the meat slicer said he found the mounting board for it but did not find the meat slicer.
Good of the Order –
Lion Steve said he worked on the tickets and flyer for the Crab Feed. Lion Steve talked with Saint Lawrence the Martyr Church about the deal we offered them on fixing the automatic dish washer. They said they are waiting for an answer from the Diocese.
Lion Carl sent out a google doc for volunteer signup of the various tasks associated with the Crab Feed so please take a look and volunteer for a task.
Opportunity Drawing – Lion Al won the drawing this week and donated the proceedings to the club. Thank you Lion Al.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn