AM Meeting Minutes for 5/10/2018
Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Bill, Steve, Al, Mort, Eli, John, Kent, and Charlie.
Dates to Remember –
– May 16th – 20th 4C6 Convention San Ramon
– May 18th & 19th Via West work Dates
– June 2nd & 5th Voter Registration Volunteers
– June 16th Lions Charity Golf Tournament
– June 29th LCI International Convention Las Vegas
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes
Tail Twister – Lion Pro Temp Eli collected many Happy dollars for the success of the Warriors. Lion Mort gave a Happy Dollar for upcoming Mothers Day.
4C-6 Convention – Lion’s Ray, Ron, John, and Kent will be attending and voting at the convention in San Ramon, Ca. We will meet at Lion Ray’s house to commute to San Ramon together.
Golf Tournament – Lion Steve said he and Ellen have sent out 95 donation requests so far and has received $2,280.60 in donations back so far. Lion Eli and Mort and Lion Phil said they were they were going to be Tee Sponsors. We still need more golfers, sponsors and tee sponsors so let’s get out there and get them. Lion Eli said Sand Hill Properties will be a Silver Sponsor. Golf flyers have been passed out at Moffett Field and at Paul and Eddies Monta Vista Inn and at the Rotarians Golf Tournament. The Cupertino De Anza Lions were prominently mentioned at the Rotarian Golf Tournament for our support. Paul and Eddies said they would sponsor one of golf events.
Via West – Lion Bill Reed said Rick the manager of Via West has the supplies ($871.24 cost of materials) and he has both a generator and compressor if we need them. Lion Bill said we could bring wire cutters, shovels, hammers, tape measures and asked Lion Ron to bring his electric staple gun. Ron will go to storage and pick up water.
Cupertino Volunteer Day – Lion John Noone said he will use the Lion Tent to set up in the space. He said the Brag Board was fantastic and brought in a crowd. Lion John said he received 85 emails from individuals interested in our Lions club and feels maybe a third of them are potential Leo’s. He said next year the Monta Vista Leo’s should set up a volunteer tent next to ours. Lion John said the Mayor of Cupertino thought we had the best display at the event.
Good of the Order –
Lion Kent and Lion John went to the City of Cupertino Mixer meeting to basically promote the upcoming Ride4Diabetes. Lion Kent said he got feedback from individuals that attended the meeting. Lion Kent also mentioned that an individual (a Nurse) asked about joining our club. He said the next mixer event will be about June 13, 2018.
Lion Ray mentioned there will be a Budget meeting held at Lion Al’s home on Saturday June 23rd starting at 3 PM. If you have any charity you would like to support you are welcome to present it to the Board at that time.
Lion Al said he would send out the Voter Registration participants schedule for training.
Lion Eli said the Career Day at Buscher Middle School had the largest number of presenters to attend. It was a very successful event.
There was a discussion about the number of canopies that our club has since we currently only have four in storage and we should have at least 12. Lion Ray said he would send out an email asking club members if they had any.
Lion John Noone asked about the Club Survey that he sent out and several club members said they were not able to fill it out on line. Lion John handed out hard copies to those who could not fill it out on line.
Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Ron who won.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn