AM Meeting Minutes for 5/3/2018

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Bill, Steve, Al, Mort, Eli, John, Kent, Joan, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

– May 5th Volunteer Event Cupertino City Hall
– May 16th – 20th 4C6 Convention San Ramon
– May 18th & 19th Via West work Dates
– June 2nd & 5th Voter Registration Volunteers
– June 16th Lions Charity Golf Tournament
– June 29th LCI International Convention Las Vegas
– September 8, 2018 Ride4Diabetes

Tail Twister – Lion Pro Temp Eli collected many Happy dollars for the success of the Bay area sports team.

4C-6 Convention – Lion Al read off the names of the club members who will be voting at the convention in San Ramon, Ca. Lion’s Ray, Ron, John, and Kent will be attending. Discussions were held about the changes to the 4C-6 by-laws and who we support for 2nd VDG.

Golf Tournament – Lion Steve said he and Ellen have sent out 91 donation requests so far and has received $1,842.50 worth of donations back so far. Lion Charbrought up in the PM meeting that we should put our GolfTournament on the Next Door site and she would do it for her area. Lion John has copies of the golf flyer to put in sporting goods stores. Lion Eli said he got Vallco as a Silver sponsor. Tests were done to see if Vallco could pay using Pay Pal and it works perfectly. We still need more golfers, sponsors and tee sponsors so let’s get out there and get them. We need to check with Lion Prez Jeff about the awards for the winners. Currently we have 5 Tee sign sponsors so everyone get out there and get those sponsors signed up.

Via West – Lion Bill Reed said we need to be there on Friday May 18th at 2 PM to get prep work done for the 19th. On Saturday 19th the work party will start at 9 AM to set the posts for the expansion of the vegetable garden. Rick the manager of Via West will get the supplies and he has both a generator and compressor if we need them. Lion Joan said she has an eight foot ladder she will bring on Saturday.

Club Officers – Lion Al read the slate of new Officers and Board Members to the club for members to approve for the last time. If the slate of officers is approved he will submit the acclamation to LCI by May 15, 2018 as required.

Cupertino Volunteer Day – Lion John Noone said he has 4 volunteers to work the booth. The event will go from 11-3 on May 5, 2018. Lion John said he will use the Lion Tent to set up in the space. He asked Lion Steve for copies of the golf tournament flyers so he could pass them out. He also asked for the Brag Board and Lion Ray said he had it.

Good of the Order –

Career Day at Buscher Middle School was discussed and what we need to do to support the effort. We will do a storage run on May 8th at 2:30 PM and deliver all the large tables (12) to Buscher at 3 PM, we will then pick up the tables on May 9th at 11:30 AM. A couple of volunteers are needed to help show participants where to park and guide them to the area to set up.

Lion Al said there will be a Budget meeting held at his home on Saturday June 23rd starting at 3 PM. If you have any charity you would like to support you are welcome to present it to the Board at the time. It was also talked about having the Installation Party on June 23rd after the budget meeting at Lion John Noone’s home, that will be discussed and see if Lion John’s home is available at that time.

Lion Al said he would send out the Voter Registration participants schedule for training.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to Lion Charlie who won.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn