Board Meeting Minutes: March 2018
DAL Board Minutes: March 20, 2018
- Club Awards: process for awards discussion. One change to proposal that for the Progressive/Susan B. one would have to already have the Melvin Jones and then 5 years later could possibly get the additional awards. We want to put the nomination discussion as a biannual part of the agenda. October and April is a guideline to check in at the board meeting if we need to give some out. At the AM/PM meetings coming up, announce that the board will be discussing awards, so if anyone has any nominations to send them to the board.
*Attach Award List
- Eye Glass Change: the budget item is under Lexotica, but the system has changed. Steve and Ellen need to get reimbursed. We will rename the program, and when we will redo the budget, we can rename and rebudget.
- Golf Tournament: first person registered through Paypal, Dagi and John have been working tirelessly, so it is working. Vijay will add that Claire will get all the emails. Gaps are that Jeff won’t be there, so we need someone to emcee in the morning. *Because Amy will be very busy, she doesn’t think she can do Jeff’s job between now and then.
- Looking Forward: WE are really in need of people to step up into the roles for golf, for the board, etc. This must be advertised at the AM/PM meetings.
- Ride for Diabetes: Lion Liang and Lion Muni-Muni feels it could be a signature event for Cupertino (nobody else is doing this in the community). How do we make it a success? We need a single cause, biking is the “new golfing”, branding should be kept the same, marketing is where we need to focus. It’s the corporate teams that raise all the money. Most of the successful rides don’t talk about the clubs, but they talk about the cause. Maybe a solution is that we brand all of the give-aways, like water bottles and t-shirts, that carry our logo. Muni also says that we need a separate tax i.d. Because many donors backed off last year when they saw it was a club tax i.d. Liang-September 8th is the day that was chosen because of conflicts in the community. Budget items are the same as what we approved. Corporations want a feather in their cap with an international organization, not a club level event. Course Committee is John N., Digital Marketing is Sundar (Raceroster)-he needs our confirmation on name, Cause and Messaging-Kent is filling in (no official chair because it is all the same as last year), Team Marketing is Muni, Event Day Logistics-Joan. No Volunteer Committee chair-Kent is also filling in for that right now. Kent has just started by calling the previous sponsors, some are already volunteering (wine and beer festival afterwards).
Concerns by Board Members:
- Legality of tax status, and payments, without name and new tax i.d.
- Not having the proceeds go to all our charities, instead of just diabetes related ones.
- Not including DAL as last year, as we want our club to be prominent.
- The move of the date means two less weeks between golf and ride.
Some proposals to our original vote are to get a separate EIN number, while we would still own the event. The DAL Logo and name would appear throughout the event on t-shirts, etc. This year it is still going to be called DAL, unless there is a new motion and it passes, and then next year, you could change the name.
Motion to accept the new date of September 8th made by Lion Al, seconded by Ray. All in favor: 4 in favor, 3 opposed. Motion passed.
Tabling the rest of the discussion on the committee chair filling issues, and the name issues, until there is a special meeting or an electronic vote, the name stays as DAL event.
Emphasized that any money spent must be within the board approved budget and the treasurer will make the final call-or that person will not be reimbursed.
6.. Good of the Order:
- Motion to give Lion James P. Gould a Lifetime Membership, seconded by Ray Lancon.
Discussion is would he feel pressured to stay? But he will appreciate, it’s more an honorary gesture. Motion passed with 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, and 0 Abstain.
- Student Speaker Contest: Monta Vista student speaker is moving on to the next level and she was an amazing speaker.