DAL Board Meeting Minutes: February 2018
DAL Board Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, February 13th, 2018
In Attendance: Amy, Vijay, John, Ray, Al, Jill
- Crab Feed Fiscal Review (Vijay): all expenses have been paid out. Probably 14,000 net. Working on reserving the hall again for January 26th. We want to help them, urge them, get the hot water fixed and dishwasher between now and then.
- De Anza Lions Ride 4 Diabetes (L. Chau): Liang Chao was not able to make it, so John is filling us in on the details he knows, but he is not in the loop overall. September 8th is the date scheduled for the ride. Muni supposedly will bring the Avaya team. Same exact routes, but not all of them, like the kids one is not in play. Each of the subgroups should submit a schedule and their part of the budget so far.
This is the motion that was approved by the Board in January as a review:
Motion to approve proposal: Lion John is asking for a conditional approval for Ride for Diabetes 2018, if these conditions are met
- WHEREAS:Date in late September
- WHEREAS:Name change to include Cupertino De Anza Lions, Charities
- WHEREAS:Committee Chairs filled
- WHEREAS:Budget of 16,000
WHEREAS:With progress to be reviewed by Board, especially with a presentation to the board regarding volunteers.
So Moved: Approved by 6 ayes and Opposed with 3 nays.
- Amy will contact Liang Chao about the vote stated previously and that we need a representative. (lfchao@gmail.com) at the Board meetings as was determined as one of the criteria for approval.
- One concern is liberties taken by the chair last year with the budget will not happen and no one will be paid if it goes over budget (see above).
- Another is making sure Liang is aware of need for ridership.
- The date is a concern because it doesn’t fit the approval we voted on. We need to address that with the Liang/committee.
Al moved that the ride be tabled for this meeting. Amy second the motion.Unanimous
- Melvin Jones Fellowship award selection process (Ray): Al and Jim previously brought the names to the board for approval. Now there are some criteria we would like and anyone can bring a member up for the nomination. Looking at 5 years and someone who is actively participating in the club. This can be the process for the other awards, too.
- New business:
- Vijay is only planning on doing this job for two years and that is coming up. So, Ray has been asking a few members and is looking for someone to take over and really anyone who wants to be on the Board.
- West Valley Community Services is looking to partner with us in their Challenge Diabetes Program. Do they want a donation? Volunteers? A.J. Robinson-Ray is going to follow up.
- Interest for a St Patty’s Day Meal? Interest for Lions San Diego Convention? No and no.
- No on Youth Exchange-not in the budget (no advocate in the club anymore)
- HOBY: this is in the budget-donation will be made out by Vijay, if it’s already in the budget.