Meeting Minutes
DAL PM Meeting Minutes: February 2018
Lions Present: Lions Carl, Jenny, Steve, Ellen, Linda, Claire, Jen, Amy, Ron, Mort,Eli, Vijay, Amy, Mary, JimMeeting Commenced at 6:41pm.Dates to Remember –– February 8, 2018 Student Speaker Contest Odd-Fellows Hall– February 9-11, 2018 MD-4 Convention in San Diego– March 8, 2018 Zone Student Speakers contest.– June 16, 2018 Annual Golf Tournament at Moffett Field1. Tail Twister. Lion Eli: for the Crab Feed; Lion Jen for Howie; Lion Lindafor the Superbowl; Lion Ellen for the student speaker contest; Lion Steve for theCrab Feed; Anjali for her teacher’s baby; Lion Amy for a variety of reasons; LionMort for the Crab Feed; Lion Jim for the Crab Feed; Carl for Jim setting up theCrab Feed2. Announcement. Lion Carl announced that Howie, Jeff and Scott’s dad,had passed away early Sunday morning. Lion Jenny will forward detailsregarding a service when it’s been determined.3. Student Speaker Contest. Lion Ellen reported that we have fourspeakers confirmed. Ellen will be there, it will be at Oddfellows Hall at 7pm onFebruary 8 and all are welcome. The student speaker winner gets $100.4. Zone Student Speaker. Lion Ellen reported that the Zone Student
Speaker Contest will be on March 8 at Oddfellows Hall for the winner(s) of thefirst round of the speaker contests.5. Crab Feed Wrap-Up.Finances. Lion Vijay reported that our net income is currently at$14,500 with all numbers reporting except for Fishmarket supplies, whichlast year were about $500. Ticket sales were $16,315, bar receipts $2500,raffle $2495, treasure chest $730, silent auction $3160, hall rental was$3950. Lion Vijay reported that 600lb of crab was right on target, pricepoint was perfect. We picked the right amount of wine.Location. Lion Amy asked if the hall is rented for next year, Lion Carlsuggested that picking it soon will allow us to get a date that’s notSuperbowl Sunday weekend. Lion Steve reported that there was an issuewith the dishwasher and the water. Lion Carl reported that the kitchenwas fine; a little smaller but walkin was bigger which was helpful. LionCarl reported that he noticed a much larger space and high ceilingshelped with movement around the room and general ambiance. LionAmy reported that with the new facility we were going around andoffering alcohol to the table, on the cart, and there was room to do this.Lion Jenny said she could easily have helped with this. Lion Carl reportedthat having dirty dishes and butter etc at one window was really helpfulfor the flow.General Feedback. Lion Amy asked why we don’t do family style saladsand Lion Carl reported that there ended up being waste when they triedit another year. Jenny agreed and reported that there was an issue withthe kitchen having to refill the salad bowls. Lion Carl will get a feedbacksheet out, and asked us to solicit feedback from non-Lions as well. LionJim reported that the problem a year ago around raffle ticket sales wentaway this year – people did go to the tables and sell raffle tickets. Hereported that he got feedback that every table was covered and everyonewas very happy. Jim got some feedback about waiting about the bar attimes. Lion Jim said that one final piece that is still not covered by Lions(since separating from Rotarians) is that the Fishmarket employees stillprepare all the crab and we should keep that in mind for future. LionJenny asked if the Fishmarket would be open to having a Lion shadowthem and Lion Jim said absolutely.
Hours. Lion Carl reported that we need to send hours to Lion Ray6. Charter Night. Lion Carl announced that the date is set for March 24,2018 at Blue Pheasant. Lion Ron reported that Lion Ray will be sending outRSVP and menus.7. Good of the Order.n/aMeeting Adjourned at 7:09pmRespectfully submitted by,Lion Claire Kalia