AM Meeting Minutes for February 1, 2018

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Jim, Mort, Eli, John, Joan, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

February 3, 2018 Annual Crab Feed @ St. Lawrence Church
February 8, 2018 Student Speaker Contest Odd-Fellows Hall
February 9-11, 2018 MD-4 Convention in San Diego
March 8, 2018 Zone Student Speakers contest.
June 16, 2018 Annual Golf Tournament at Moffett Field

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Lion Herb received Happy Dollars from various Lions fr the upcoming Super Bowl.

Crab Feed – Lion Jim said he had talked with Juan at Farallon Fisheries and ordered 600 lbs of crab. He said the price should be under $9 lb. Lion Jim said he would probably pick up the Refer truck tonight. Lion Al said we currently have 334 tickets sold with possibly 4 or 5 more to come. Lion Jim said he had talked with a someone at Facebook about our crab feed and they actually put it on their site for a day and also on Eventbrite. Lion Jim said they had over 400 hits on the first day. Lion Al said he set up an Eventbrite account. Lion Al said we need to make sure we got the table numbers from storage. Lion Ray said we need to have someone to check in the Leo’s and advise them on what they need to do. Lion Ray said he would bring a yellow pad for them to sign in. Lion Steve reminded everyone that the work party at his house tonight would start at 5:30 PM. Lion Steve said we have $6,400 in donations. Lion Dagi said she needs a table for the Brag Board. Lion Dagi also said that her friend Jane volunteered to work at the crab feed. Lion Steve said we also have 4-5- volunteers from Wells Fargo. There will be a storage run at 11 AM tomorrow and we will put all the supplies needed for Buscher in Lion Eli’s truck.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Dagi said we currently we have four speakers with one confirmed. Volunteers are still needed. Contact Lion Dagi for further information. A reminder that the Student Speaker contest will be Thursday February 8, 2018 at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino starting at 7 PM. Lion Dagi would like the volunteers to arrive at 6:30 PM. Lion Herb said he would bring the banner. Lion magi said she needs 3 A-Frames. Lion Ray reminded Lion Dagi that the Zone Speech contest is March 8, 2018.

Charter Night – Lion Ray said Charter Night will be March 24, 2018 at the Blue Pheasant restaurant in Cupertino. He will send out a menu for attendees to select from.

Good of the Order –

Lion John said the the Cupertino State of the City address went very well. He said we need to take video’s at our various events so we can provide the to the city for their next State of the City presentation.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Charlie won the opportunity drawing.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn