AM Meeting Minutes for 1/18/2018

Lions Present: Lion’s Ray, Ron, Phil, Don, Bill, Steve, Al, Dagi, Eli, Herb, John,
Kent, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember –

February 3, 2018 Annual Crab Feed @ St. Lawrence Church
February 8, 2018 Student Speaker Contest Odd-Fellows Hall
February 9-11, 2018 MD-4 Convention in San Diego
March 8, 2018 Zone Student Speakers contest.
June 16, 2018 Annual Golf Tournament at Moffett Field

Tail Twister – Tail Twister Herb received a Happy Dollar from Eli for winning the opportunity drawing last week and still trying to get the money from Lion Herb. Lion Kent gave a happy dollar for coming out of the dark ages and getting a new smart phone. Lion Dagi gave happy dollars for being back in the pride.

Crab Feed – Lion Al said we are close to 200 people for the first seating and is hoping for about 100 for the second seating. Lion Al said we have lost several large groups. One of them is Paul and Eddie’s who only has eight attendees since they have to get ready for the Super Bowl the next day. It was brought up that we would need betweenez 20 – 30 Leo’s for each setting. Lion John asked what we thought the price of crab would be this season, Lion Al said he thought it might be around $9 – $9.50/lb. Lion Steve said him and Lion carl did walk thru of the kitchen at Saint Lawrence and foldout the dish washer was not working. Lion Carl said he would like to start work in the kitchen area around 12:30 since it is a new kitchen. Lion Steve said we currently have $5,570 in donations and head expecting another $300 – $400 to come in. Lion Steve said him and and Ellen sent out about 149 requests. Lion Ray said we have not got any beer donated so we will probably have to buy it from Paul and Eddies hopefully at cost. It was brought up that we need to advertise the crab feed on next door.

Student Speaker Contest – Lion Dagi said her and Ellen sent out a reminder to the schools about the Student Speaker contest. Currently we have one speaker with hopefully another coming on board. Volunteers are still needed. Contact Lion Dagi for further information. A reminder that the Student Speaker contest will be Thursday February 8, 2018 at the Odd Fellows Hall in Cupertino. Lion Ray reminded Lion Dagi that the Zone Speech contest is March 8, 2018.

Ride4Diabetes – Lion Ray said the Board authorized funds for the Ride this year and Lion Vijay set a budget. It was also stated that the DeAnza Lions needs to be prominently displayed. Monthly updates on expenditures will be required. Currently looking at September/October time frame.

Good of the Order –

Lion Ray reminded everyone about Charter night coming up and to make sure they vote on which date is best for them and let him know who is coming and how many.

Lion Dagi said she was still working on on the Club shirts and hats. It was suggested that she bring samples to the Charter Nite dinner so new members could see what they look like.

Lion Kent said he would contact the gentleman from the City of Cupertino about a video segment on our Lions club in the Cupertino State of the City video event at the city council meeting.

The membership database was brought up about needing to be updated and Lion John Noone and Lion Al said they would work on it and make sure all the info is correct.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations Lion Charlie won the opportunity drawing.

Respectfully submitted by,
Lion Ron Ahearn