A.M. Meeting Minutes, 06/09/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Steve, Don, Bill, Al, Jim, Eli, Kent, John, Leslie, Ron, and Charlie.

Dates to Remember

–       June 16th, 5 pm, Golf Tournament Preparation Party, Ratner home, 2779 Glorietta Circle, Santa Clara

–       June 18th, De Anza Lions Golf Fundraiser, Golf Club at Moffett Field, 934 Macon Rd, Moffett Field

–       June 21st, 7:30 pm, Board Meeting, TBD

–       July 23rd, 11 am, Back Pack for Kids Assembly Day, San Martin Lions Hall, 12415 Murphy Ave, San Martin

Tail Twister – Happy Dollars were given in honor of the return of Lion Jim, the “93rd” birthday of Lion Steve’s mother, and the Sharks. Go Sharks!

Review of 3rd Grade Picnic – The picnic for the 3rd grade students at Kathryn Hughes Elementary School last Friday was very successful. Lion Phil said there was a lot of excitement from the students, and that they were very polite. Everything went well. Food was good, even the veggie dogs. Thanks to all the Lions who participated.

Review of Election Couriers – Lion Al reported things went mostly smoothly. We had 4 people directing traffic and 3 teams that worked as couriers. Should have made about $700. It was a lot of fun. Thought we should do it again for the general election in November.

Golf Tournament – We are anticipating between 100 and 120 golfers. Volunteers are needed. Make sure to add you name to the sign-up sheet.

Lion Steve reported we have over $11,000 in donated items. He has printed up a list of items for the silent action and will email it out to everyone as a pdf file.

Lion Pat Coppe will be supplying the water and golf balls. Lions Amy and Jenny will pickup the bagels.

This year volunteers will be able to get in both the main gate and the Ellis Street gate at Moffett Field.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to our winner, Lion Ray. Thank you Lion Ray for donating your winnings to the club!

Lion Walt
