A.M. Meeting Minutes, 6/02/2016

Lions Present: Ray, Walt, Phil, Don, Steve, Bill, Al, Eli, Kent, John, Ron and Charlie.

Dates to Remember

–      June 3rd, 10:15 am, Hughes Elementary School, 3rd Grade Picnic, Fairway Glen Park, at the intersection of Calle De Primavera/Avenida De Angelina in Santa Clara

–      June 7th, Election Couriers. Contact Monique Herrera, Monique.herrera@rov.sccgov.org

–      June 16th, 5 pm, Golf Tournament Preparation Party, Ratner home, 2779 Glorietta Circle, Santa Clara

–      June 18th, De Anza Lions Golf Fundraiser, Golf Club at Moffett Field, 934 Macon Rd, Moffett Field.

–      June 21st, Board Meeting, TBD.

–      July 23rd, 11 am, Back Pack for Kids Assembly Day, San Martin Lions Hall, 12415 Murphy Ave, San Martin.

Tail Twister Many “Happy Dollars” were given especially for Lion Bill who will soon be celebrating his “90th” birthday. Happy Birthday Lion Bill!

Awards –

Secretary: AM Coordinator, Lion Ray presented Lion Walt with the Secretary’s Award for service to the club. Lion Walt wished to share the award with Lion Dagi who continues to take responsibility for many of the reports.

City of Hope: Lion Ray noted that DeAnza Lions Club has qualified as a life member of their organization and displayed a large framed picture given to our club in appreciation. He strongly recommended that any Lion visiting in Southern California should stop by for a visit. They have done wonders for cancer patients. Lion Ron mentioned it was a great organization. His nephew spent 4 months at their hospital in Southern California and is now home doing well.

PM Meeting Review

GOLF TOURNAMENT: Lion Vijay has been in contact with Mike Fisher, one of the senior people at Google. They are very interested in the community involvement of our club and would like to help. They spoke with the vendor at Moffett Golf Course and now the vendor is willing to make some concessions.

Lion Al reported there are 76 paid golfers. Lion John is projecting we will end up with 97 golfers. There is still room for more. Please continue to invite your friends and other golfers.

Volunteers needed to load tables into Mike’s truck on Friday and return them to storage on Sunday. Mike is out of town but arrangements have been made for the use of his truck.

On the day of the tournament volunteers should arrive between 8 am and 8:30 am. Donations have been very successful. We currently have $11,000 in donated items with 22 items for the Silent Action. Lions are encouraged to get there early and look over the items. If you see something you like, make sure to enter a minimum bid to get the bidding going.

Lion Steve is planning on making 100 – 110 goodie bags. There will be donated muffins for the volunteers. Plans to ask for 10 – 20 donated pizzas, which will be passed out discreetly at the tournament. With high schools graduating this week, and DeAnza College scheduling finals during the time of our tournament it will be difficult to get enough Leos. We will need Lions in the parking lot to assist with greeting and helping out people as they arrive.

POSSIBLE NEW MEMBER: Jan Smith, daughter of Lion John Smith and sister of Lion Claire Kalia has expressed an interest in joining our club and taken on application. She will be helping out at the Golf Tournament. If you see her make sure to say hello and make her feel welcome.

Camp Via West – Last night at the PM meeting our club presented Via West representative, Janelle Adams a check for $2500 to aid those needing financial assistance in attending the camp. If you know of someone who wants to go to camp but needs financial help they should contact Ms Adams at (408) 243-7861.

Lion Bill reported the annual repair and painting went well. We wish to thank all who participated… Saturday: Lions Al, Ray, Ron, Don, Steve, Mike, Herb, and Bill. Sunday: Lions Ray, Herb, Steve, Ron, Dagi, and Bill.

Hughes School Picnic – Tomorrow, Friday, June 3rd is the annual picnic for the 3rd graders at Kathryn Hughes Elementary School. The picnic with is at Fairway Glen Park, which is adjacent to the school. Please be there between 10:15 and 10:30am. Students will be arriving at 11:30 am. Bring a hat and a folding chair. Weather will be warm.

– The election is next Tuesday, June 7th. Kudos to the following teams: Ray/Ron, Al/Barb, John/Leslie for volunteering to be couriers. Thanks too to Lions Eli and Charlie for agreeing to help with loading and unloading vehicles at the Registrar of Voters Office on Tuesday afternoon.

Opportunity Drawing – Congratulations to our winner, Lion Kent. Thank you Lion Kent for donating your winnings to the club!

Lion Walt
